Tear the World Down/Nothing But a Kiss

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WARNING: Feels mostly, some fighting with Derek. THERE MIGHT BE A KISS HERE. WHO KNOWS.

You nearly collided into Isaac the next afternoon coming out of your intro to writing class.

"Isaac! I've been looking everywhere for you!" you shouted excitedly. What you didn't know is that Isaac found you first this morning and smelled Derek all over you. It broke his heart in the worst way possible. Of all the guys you could have chosen, it was Derek Hale. Derek fucking Hale. Goddammit! Of course, you had no idea sleeping with Derek would have this effect on him, so he plastered a smile on his pretty face and gave you a bear hug.

"Hey (Y/N), you found me!" He forced a chuckle.

"Is something wrong?" you noticed his tight smile and hurt eyes. He shook his head and gave you his best thousand watt smile.

"Nah, I'm just tired. Cromskey's calculus class is killing my sleep schedule. Not to mention the Pack stuff." You accepted his answer and launched into your story, linking your arm with his and heading to the cafeteria for your usual lunch break.

"You will never guess who I ran into yesterday," you started.

"Derek Hale," He said flatly. You looked at him, startled.

"How di—oh," you booped his nose, "werewolf senses." He nipped your finger like he usually does and nodded his head.

"I would ask how that went, but I'm guessing really well judging from your overly perky attitude," he replied. You squeezed his arm as the memories of the previous night washed over you.

"I think I've finally met the man of my dreams," you sighed happily. If you had werewolf senses you would have heard the moment Isaac's heart ripped in half. How he managed to keep his face mildly disinterested is a superpower in and of itself.

"Oh, my! The man of your dreams, really? Well stop the presses! (Y/N)'s met the man of her dreams! Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" he shouted. You belly laughed at his foolishness. This is exactly why loved him; he could turn anything into something ridiculous.

Unbeknownst to you, Isaac warred with himself over your news. He shouldn't have been so surprised at the scent of Derek on your skin. Everyone in the Pack knew of your crush on Derek; the first day he crossed your line of sight your heart skipped several beats. Scott and Stiles teased you relentlessly over it. Everyone also knew that Isaac loved you more than life. Upon first glance, it could have been considered brotherly love and protection; with further inspection it became easy to see how his gaze lingered on you just a second too long. It became easy to see how he was the one who laughed the loudest at your bad jokes so that you felt appreciated. It became easy to see how Isaac made every excuse to touch you, knowing that he was the only one allowed to do so. With every hair tuck, shirt tags fix and retied shoelace because you were absolutely notorious for tripping over them, anyone one looking close enough could see just how in love with you Isaac was.

Even when Allison Argent came into the picture, Isaac never stopped being in love with you. But he loved Allison too. When she died on that fateful night, it tore him up in the very worst way. He felt so guilty he couldn't save her, that he couldn't love her the way he loved you. When she died he vowed never to let anyone else that close again; he closed his heart to everyone except the one person who opened it in the first place: his best friend.

You and Derek dated on and off for the next three years; Isaac was always the one to wipe your tears whenever Derek gave you some bullshit reason for ending things and leaving you.

"Why are you doing this Derek, I thought you loved me!" you cried.

"I'm doing this because I love you! Can't you see how dangerous it is to be around me? Everyone dies! I can't let that happen to you. You're human, I can't have you in this world with me!" he shouted, punching his fist into the nearest wall of your room.

"In case you hadn't noticed, I was in the world before you and I got together. Or did you conveniently forget all those times I stitched up your wounds? My best friends are freaking werewolves! I'm always going to be in this world. I don't understand why it's such a fucking issue now!" You stood there hurt and angry. You loved Derek with your whole heart and the thought of him leaving you made breathing unbearable.

"Because I could lose you!" he roared.

"And leaving me isn't losing me?" you retorted.

"At least this way you'll be safe from me," he stated simply. He turned away from you and headed towards the front door of your dorm room. You noticed that he never looked back whenever he walked away from you; that hurt you the most.

He always seemed to find his way back to you. Drunkenly banging on your door at some ungodly hour shouting about how much it hurts to try and live without you. You always resisted at first; crying through the door for him to go away, your heart breaking even more with every bang. He'd fall to his knees and beg you to take him back, pleading for another chance, telling you it'd be different this time. It never was. It never will be. You always opened the door for him and fell to your knees in front him, kissing him profusely. He filled your ears with empty promises of never leaving you again until the next near death experience or 6 months rolled around, which ever came first. The make-up sex that followed? Soul shattering. You'd forever fall asleep first, with his arm around you as he watched you sleep. In those moments, everything seemed right again. You always seemed to miss the hurt look behind Isaac's smile when you told him the next day that you and Derek got back together.

Loving Derek Hale was a hurricane. It swept you up, kept you spinning higher than the gods themselves. Loving Derek Hale was a wildfire. It burned so brightly, taking pieces of your soul and sanity with it. Loving Derek Hale was a toxic dump. It poisoned you with ideas of goodness and left you sick on the bathroom floor after every fight. Loving Derek Hale was a wild mustang. It tempted you with its beauty and kicked you in the teeth for even thinking you could possibly tame it. Loving Derek Hale was like trying to love the sun; you burned yourself just for hoping.

Eventually, you got smart and ended things with Derek permanently, finally realizing you deserved more than someone who was only half way in the relationship, no matter how fantastic the sex. It took you a year to put yourself back together again (with Isaac's help) and you were stronger for it. Derek fell off the map after you left him. Since he lost his Alpha powers he decided to move to Southern Arizona to help out with the training of new werewolves.

To celebrate the final day of your senior year at Beacon Hills College, you and Isaac went to a bonfire. You both did your best to enjoy the hell out of yourselves. Single, free of finals and term papers, you danced the night away with good music and beer. You didn't notice Isaac watching you dance away so carelessly by the light of the fire and moon, noting how absolutely entrancing you looked. You didn't notice the way he committed your laughing face to his memory, how the swing of your hips and the curve of your lips stole his breath away. After all these years, countless flings, and Derek, you were still the most beautiful girl in the world to him. You did notice that he stopped dancing and seemed really sad, so you took his hand and led him away (albeit, a little drunkenly) from the crowd into the forest.

"Why do somber, Lahey? We did it! We're free!" You jumped in the air and stumbled, your foot catching on an unseen branch. Forever a klutz, that's you. Isaac caught you and pulled you into his chest, as he had so many times before whenever you got overly excited and clumsy. You looked into his gaze and while it might have been the alcohol, you could have sworn you saw something more than his usual annoyance for your antics.

"(Y/L/N)," he sighed, exasperated and tipsy.

"Lahey," you retorted. He took in the sight of you in his arms, your heart thumping wildly against his chest and kissed you. Shocked beyond belief, you kissed him back briefly before shoving him away.

"Isaac Daniel Lahey, what the hell is wrong with you?" you shout at him.

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