im gonna get shipped so hard

17 3 30


I'm a dumbass


And I owe this dude 3 dollars.

2 for sharpen his pencil

(Yeah.i fell for that)

Bc he wouldn't let me ask the teacher myself for him.

His name is Carmelo

So yeah I said I'll give him a dollar if he would just let me sharpen the damn pencil.

He said, "2 dollars"

I said , "okay,just give me the pencil"

So we decided we wanted to be partners bc we both were a bit...


In math.

So we were "simplifying before multiplying"

Or some shit.

Let's say 3/5 × 10/15

3     10    2
5     15    5

I'm gonna explain how I did it. If you don't care then just skip until I tell you
To stop

Here we go  -=-

So we have to don't the gcf (greatest common factor) of the numerator and denominators

But crossed tho


3 and 15

Gcf is 3

Then you divide that by them and change it to the quotient

So 3÷3= 1

And 15÷3=5

Then the next set

5 and 10

Gcf is 5



Ok. Whew.

So yeah you change the number to its quotient. So it would be written like this:

For 3/5

And for 10/15


And so you just multiply those two and get:

1     2     2
1     5     5


I swear if people know this shit))

So we were arguing about which one of us was right with a question.

He ended up being right that time an  i owed him another dollar

And then one question we both got wrong

But I was closer.

Idfk how he got that answer.

But he was a good partner tho




*Grits teeth* s.m.a.r.t

And I'm a da

I've been knew that.

And he fucking is everywhere

In math he sits next to me

In homeroom and reading he is one or more seats away

In art he is on the table behind me

Before in music he used to be next to me

In social studies he's in my table across from me.


He sits in the same table I sit

And I think I'm being moved to his table in science.


I see you there sin-shippers

I'd rather date US! papy before this shit

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