Chapter 7

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(Hi everyone thank u so much for reading what i have so far this is my first book its 1am n i dont want to sleep so ya now with this chapter! c:)

Andys POV.

I couldn't believe it,well one blade went to a party without me and Juliet knowing,and her to be....kissing her best friend i was afraid this was going to happen but .im not sure why,"when did u go to this party?" Blade just stared at me n said softly "last night" *sigh* "well you are in-trouble than"

Blades POV.

TROUBLE?! My dad never says im in-trouble its like...just...what?! "I know i never say you are but you sneaking out to a party its pretty dangerous" i just mumbled "ya i know..." "Let me have your phone and your ipod" not my phone AND my ipod!!! "Oh-uh,ok?" I gave him the two things n he lefted my room.

Andys POV.

she looked so sad...i cant let her get away with everything,*ring,ring!* is that my phone? Oh yerp it is, "hey cc!" "Hey dude! Today were gunna have band practice at my place" ok ill be there in a bit ima bring blade" "ok man,Gabriel's here so she can hang out with him" "ok laters" "bye".

(Gabriel is cc's son,will blade like brian? Will brian ask blade out? Or will Gabriel steal some ones heart? Stay tuned, VOTE COMMENT!)

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