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"I can't believe it," Jaebum stated.

"What?" Youngjae questioned.

"We're graduating tomorrow. That's like, scary."

The younger giggled, "Well, we have to grow up eventually Bummie."

The pair has been dating since what feels like forever, and even were crowned prom king and queen. Youngjae was a little flustered to be named the queen, but Jaebum thought he was adorable when he got embarrassed.

They both successfully got through high school, and even scored scholarships to the same university. Everything is coming together perfectly, almost like a dream.

"I just find it weird; everything feels so surreal."

The younger hugged him from behind, "Awe Bummie, are you getting emotional?" He asked with a playful grin.

"No, I was just stating my thoughts," he huffed. "Anyways, let's get going. The last bell rang ages ago." He grabbed his boyfriend's smaller hand, "Let's go get something to eat, since we both missed lunch."

Youngjae's stomach suddenly growled and he flushed in embarrassment. "Yeah, good idea."

The two walked hand in hand to a local convenience store. They decided to just buy some ramen, pushing aside the fact that they were basically becoming adults the next day.

"Maybe the ramen will give me eternal youth," Jaebum pondered, grabbing himself a bowl.

"You're so weird," Youngjae chuckled, grabbing a bowl for himself as well.

Once the pair finished making the ramen, they went up to the register to pay. The two both hurriedly tried to get out their wallets, trying to be the one to pay. But Youngjae's thumb got caught in his belt loop, making him a second too late. He pouted as his boyfriend handed the cashier the money.

"Okay but next time, let me pay," he exacted.

"In your dreams," Jaebum replied with a smirk.

They took their ramen outside to a small rounded table, with two chairs on each side. Jaebum sat his hot bowl on the table, and then went to the other side to push in Youngjae's chair for him.

He always made sure to treat Youngjae like a princess, because he is one. He's Jaebum's princess.

"Bummie, what time do we have to get to school tomorrow for the ceremony?" The younger asked while blowing on his noodles.

"If I remember correctly, they said at 10:00AM, but I'll text and ask Jinyoung just to make sure."

"Okay," He replied, taking a mouthful of ramen into his mouth. However, he quickly spit it out, as it was far too hot. "Ahhh! Hot!"

Jaebum let out a laugh, "You have to admit, that was pretty stupid of you."

Youngjae simply rolled his eyes in response. While rolling his eyes, he didn't realize Jaebum was inching closer to his face. Before he knew it, he felt his boyfriends lips collide with his swollen ones. He was very surprised by the sudden kiss, but that doesn't mean he's gonna decline it.

He began to move his lips along with Jaebum's. The older cupped Youngjae's face, getting a better grip as the kiss was getting heated.

He swiped his tongue across Youngjae's burning lip, and then forcing his tongue into his mouth. Their tongue's danced together, with Jaebum sucking on the younger's tongue here and there.

After one last kiss was shared, Jaebum pulled back and sat back down in his seat.

Youngjae was sitting there, confused and burning hot. "I can't believe you just did that."

"Well you didn't stop me," He replied with a grin.

Youngjae smacked his boyfriend on the shoulder. Jaebum pouted and rubbed his shoulder, "I think you just broke it."

"Yeah, okay," he said sarcastically, bringing his ramen up to his mouth.

"I bet your tongue feels a whole lot better now though."


Jaebum giggled and began to dig into his ramen.

The pair continued to goof around as they ate, throwing noodles at each other every now and then. Once they finally finished, they threw their styrofoam bowls in the trash.

"Princess, I have a place that I wanna show you."

"Right now?"


"Sure. I wanna enjoy my last day of 'being a kid' with you, Bummie." He smiled. It was Jaebum's favorite smile of his, the one where you can't even see his eyes because he's grinning so hard.

He took Youngjae's hand into his and intertwined their fingers. Jaebum led them to the unknown destination.

The arrived at a rather small apartment, that could fit no more than two people comfortably. "Bummie, what's this?"

"Just a little apartment," he explained, guiding him to the front door. "Let's have a look inside." He pulled out a key and unlocked the door, pushing it open.

Stepping into the house, you first entered the living room, which was nicely decorated. The walls were filled with various art and pictures, along with a few shelves here and there.

Towards the back, a kitchen could be seen, along with a dining table in the front. Venturing further into the house, they found a bedroom with a queen sized bed taking up 1/4 of the room. Tucked in the corner of the room was a door which lead to a bathroom for two.

Once they finished exploring the whole apartment, they made their way back to the living room. "This place is nice Bummie, but what's this all about?"

Jaebum cleared his throat before speaking, "Well, as you know, we are making our way into adulthood. What kind of adults live with their parents?"

Youngjae starred blankly for a moment, but as soon as he caught on he started grinning like an idiot. "Are we moving in together?"

"Well, it depends if my sunshine agrees to it," Jaebum answered, taking his boyfriend's hands into his.

"I thought you'd never ask," he grins and leans in to give the older a kiss.

That night was spent in each other's arms, in their newly owned apartment. They discussed all sorts of things: how they would always walk to university together, all the dates they would go on, what color curtains would be hung.

Youngjae eventually fell asleep first, slowly fluttering his eyes shut in the middle of his sentence. Jaebum chuckled quietly, pulling the blanket up onto each other. He pushed Youngjae's hair back and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight, baby."


Hi! I'm back with my oneshot as promised. How was it?? I was really nervous to publish it. This is only the prolugue, so it doesn't exactly relate to the description much. If this gets a good response, I will post the other parts.

I'm sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, and thank you for reading!

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