5 weeks later

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Merida's POV
So me and Hiccup went on holiday for a little while Rapunzel told me about Jack, Elsa and her but I wasn't happy when she told me that he broke her but she said that they're friends now so that's okay with me I guess but I swear if he hurts her even more there will be nothing left of Jack Frost anyway me and the girls were lying down and the boys were in the water just messing around we had to smile I saw Rapunzel she was smiling but then her smile faded she saw a girl walk up to Jack and they kissed
End of POV
Rapunzel POV
I saw Jack and this girl kiss yeah we aren't dating but I still love him I wanna tell him but I'm scared to either get hurt again or shot down I just turned my head and got up the girls didn't notice me so I ran to my old treehouse that I built when I was 10 and I was with my dad
End of POV
Jacks POV
I am playing in the water when my girlfriend yep you heard me girlfriend Courtney came up to me we kissed yea I still love Rapunzel but I've got to let her go she won't love me again so I have to move on we pulled away she walked back to the girls but I saw Rapunzel was gone I saw Elsa, Anna, Ariel and Merida angry at Courtney I walked over to them

Jack: hey girls
Courtney:(acts innocent) Jack I just came to say hi to these girls and they had ago at me

Jack: girls why would you do that
Merida: we didn't do anything

I saw Hiccuo walked over to us

Hiccup: what's going on
Jack: guys back me up on this
Flynn: what
Jack: the girls had ago at Courtney just because she said hi to them

Hans: no Jack we can't back you up on this

Jack: why not
Hans: because we believe our girlfriends

Jack: yeah and I believe mine
Hans,Flynn: wait where's Rapunzel
Courtney: I don't know who she is
Girls: she was here a minute ago
Hans: me and Flynn will go find her you lot can either stay here or go back home text us which one you chose okay let's go Flynn

They walked away
End of POV
Elsa's POV
We saw the girl who kissed Jack walking over to us

Courtney: listen bitches Jack is mine he will always be mine I will always be by his side he will always stick up for me and he will forget about that Rapunzel girl that I heard about her she has such a stupid name so leave me and Jack alone

Then Jack came over and had ago at us saying that it's our fault that she's crying pfft she's not crying she faking it i just wanna ugh

Anna: let's go home girls
Elsa: yeah
Girls(besides Anna and Elsa): yeah let's go

Courtney: bye

We walked away
End of POV
Eric's POV
Why would Jack stick up for his girlfriend and not help his friends we all weren't happy

Courtney: you idiots better not say a word to Jack about this or you are dead I love Jack and he loves me he will soon forget about that Rapunzel bitch

We just stood there we weren't gobsmacked or anything we were a little bit angry

Eric: you are such a bitch

We just walked away I saw Jack walk back to us

Jack: where are you guys going
Eric: home
Jack: oh me and Courtney can join you
Kristoff: no if you come and she's with you we can no longer be friends

Jack: what I've got a girlfriend you guys are allowed to be with your girlfriends why can't I be with mine

Eric: well
Kristoff: she is a bitch
Jack: how dare you say that about Courtney

Hans: no luck
Flynn: we've been everywhere
Jack: yeah whatever
Flynn: what's gone on
Eric: jacks girlfriend threatened the girls and talked shit about Rapunzel behind her back she threatened us to not say anything to Jack about what she says

Jack:yeah liars
Flynn: let's go guys I don't want to be here with him

Me,Hans, Flynn, Kristoff, hiccup walked away leaving Jack and Courtney
End of POV
Rapunzel POV
I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore I was walking around town I want Jack but he's got a girlfriend I wanna move on but if I do I'm gonna blow it like normal so I'm staying single
End of POV

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