Part One. These Lips Belong To Someone Else.

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Josh woke up to the sound of rain splattering against the window of his bedroom at his parents’ house, in Weybridge Surrey. It was a Sunday, and judging by the weather, a wet one too. Slowly he lifted his head off his pillow and ruffled his dark brown hair; Josh dragged his body off his bed and over to the window. “Great” he muttered, he was meant to be having a day out with the lads today which wasn’t going to happen now; he picked up his Blackberry and dialled Max’s number. Dan, who had been sleeping quite soundly, grumbled and reached out for the phone. “Hello?”

“Alright, mate?” Josh said from the other line. “Max around?”

Rubbing his eyes Dan replied “Yep sure.” He rolled over and tapped Max who was sleeping on the other side of the bed. Reluctantly Max took the phone. “Josh” He whined, “I’m seriously hung over.”

“Aha, I know, listen it’s pouring it down, want to just go to Nandos or something?”

“Sure, see you there around two.” Groaning Max hung up. “Best get up then” he said turning to Dan, who had already gone back to sleep. “Yeah, 5 more minutes” he mumbled. Smiling, Max lent down and kissed his forehead before getting out of bed.

Back at Josh’s house he was downstairs eating breakfast. “Finished packing?” His mother said as she entered the kitchen. “Almost” He replied whilst munching on toast.

“Well if you need any help, tell me. It’s going to be weird with you gone”

“Ah, I know. But it’s time me and Caroline moved in together.”

“Of course honey” She said.

“Right, best get on. Going out with the lads”

Inside Nandos, Max, Chris, Dan, Josh and Matt had finished their meal.

“So, you’re moving in to your new home soon?” Matt asked.

“Yep, Can’t wait.” Josh replied taking a sip of coke.

“Ah, you and Caroline, Dan and Max. Maybe we should get together” Matt joked to Chris.

“I hope you’re not taking the piss out of us Matt.” Dan said sarcastically.

“Of course not” He grinned.

July 3rd 2011

Once again rain was pouring down in the summer and Caroline was at a university lecture enduring a slow death as her English lecturer was going on and on about some poet, who died hundreds of years ago, who nobody cares about. And, just as she was thinking of all the interesting ways to kill herself, she was saved by her phone. It was a text from Josh. ‘Just finished putting the last box inside the house. Now I just have to unpack. Great. Still it’s finally ours! Xxx’  She smiled and dreamt of her new life to get her through the next hour.

“Tasha!” Caroline called down the corridor, Tasha turned around and smirked.

“Hey, muffin!”

“I’m moving in to the Burrow tonight! Want to come over and see it?”

“Aw, sorry babe but Dougie’s been on tour for the last month and he’s home in an hour! I have to see him.”

“I understand when Josh goes away it’s the hardest thing.”

“But you have flew powder, you just go to wherever he is whenever you want to see him”

“True but it’s hard sometimes not having him there all the time.”

“I know, But anyway he’s back now so who cares?!”

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