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          Me and Ilse walked through the doors of our apartment, Ilse held the baby as Roslyn-Charlotte ran up to get a look at her little sister. I wrapped my arm around Ilse's waist and kissed her neck, then picking up Roslyn. Ros ran her little fingers through her sisters dark brown hair that was identical to Ilse. She squirmed in my arms and wriggled out of my grip. We all walked to the nursery. "We are going to need a new room for them soon." Ilse said nodding and smiling at me. 

          "Slow down," I chuckled. "you still have two years left at Juilliard." I took the baby from her and held her close before laying her down in the crib next to Ros'. 

          "I know that..." She trailed off. "Or I could finish high in my class this year and graduate late next year."

          "That requires a lot of work, and time." I said seriously to her, a line forming on my forehead. 

          "They want me back next month. I will practice until then. We can move before Moreen turns two." She looked at the floor and I put my fingers under her chin, tilting her head up. 

          I kissed her and then said "I know you can do it. But we have our whole lives to live in Vermont. I can get shows around here and we can do it." She smiled and grabbed my waist, twirling us around. She danced to music only she could hear, I swear, and I loved her for that. She turned to the door, skipping out slamming the light-switch on her way out.

          She slid on the floor to our record player and gently put on a record. It was the Beatles, and one of her favorite albums at that. She walked towards me and took my big hands in hers. We danced and Roslyn cheered for us. Ilse danced over to her and took her hand practically pulling her to me. She tried to keep up for a while and started to trip. I picked her up and swayed to the song.

          I shifted Ros to the side and Ilse grabbed my waist. We all danced together and when the record came to a stop we all collapsed to the floor. Ilse crawled over to where me and Roslyn-Charlotte where and curled up on top of me. She kissed my lips once and closed her eyes. "I'm so happy. In this place, with you three." I kissed her back and rested my hand on her lower back.

          "Me too." I whispered.

Kooks (Sequel to Bowie) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum