chapter 4 - THE REAL ME!

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Maryams pov: (Edited)

Today was great, i mean all this happened in one day makes my head hurt from thinking to much but I'm glad that Amber and i are friends again. I know i lied but sometimes you just  have to do whats right,right?

 i looked at the time and saw i was late.Oh no! I walked home quickly, my parents are going to kill me, literally!

I got there right on time as i quickly took out my keys and opened the door to my parents fighting. I rolled my eyes at them bickering at each other, ever since we moved here, which was about a few weeks ago, my parents have been arguing more often. Not that they didn't used to oh no, they did it alright, but they are fighting like it was an every day routine, which it was now.

 I quickly got out of my thoughts and stepped inside. I Took my worn out converses and put it aside, i was the only person that respected this house but the rest didn't bother because guess what they weren't muslims. 

I quickly went upstairs trying not to make a noise even the creeks of the floor boards i had to doge, since if i did well lets just say it won't end up good. I went to my small bedroom which only had my bed and a wardrobe as well as a small mirror. I couldn't decorate my room because if i did, well it will be the end of me. 

 I took off my clothes, got a comfortable skirt and jumper and went to take a shower to make wudu (obligation). After i done my business, i got changed and did my hijab i just don't trust my fake family (non-muslims) and went back to my room to pray . I did my prayer and made duaa (a prayer) to allah to give me patients, help me with the pain and to keep me at the right path. After i read some Quran (holy book) which is mostly what i do after prayer. I sat down and wrote down in my diary. I know what your thinking 'is she a little girl having a dairy?' nope, i wasn't but it was better than sitting down all day doing nothing. 

Im now sitting on my bed thinking of how life has changed so much and about how school might be tomorrow. I got up and looked up at my phone to see that it was 11 o'clock. Oh my allah (god) the time went so quick and i have school tomorrow. As i was getting ready for bed i heard loud banging on the front door. My 'mother' and 'brother' have both went out as well as my dad so i wore my hijab and a long skirt over my pyjamas and went down stairs. As i put my trembling hand on the cold keyhole i saw my 'father', to say i wasn't afraid would be a lie.

 I slowly opened the door and let him in. He walked in and almost fell flat on the floor. Oh no, He was drunk, what should i do? As i was about to help him up, he pushed my hand away and slapped me. "Its all you fault you disgusting bit**, you did this!" What the? What is he talking about like are drunk people seriously this stupid, just like the Donald Trump supporters. Maryam  focus don't go off this topic, this can be a situation of life and death and your thinking of Donald Trump like, gurl.

" ... do...y..ou" i said stuttering. Why am i like this? "why are you answering back! You don't answer back you f******* b****!" Well what are am i supposed to do isn't this how communication works as i was thinking ,i felt pain at my stomach. As i held on my stomach in pain i looked up which is another regret in my life as i felt more pain on my jaw and eye. I thought drunk people can't hit after all that i saw and felt was pain everywhere around my sour body. I prayed to allah for him to stop, to stop hitting me, to please send my soul away from this body and i don't have to feel this pain ever again.

 After a few minutes, i couldn't feel anything else as i looked at the floor with my blurry vision. I saw i have been coughing blood. "You better clean this up! I see this and you won't be alive!" can't he see that I'm dying already. Ya allah help me with this pain. I slowly got up with no strength in me as i tried i fell back again multiple times but the 6th time i got up. I felt like i was just been stabbed all around my body, but i kind of got used to it after all wouldn't you get used to it  when they hit you with a belt, burnt half of your body and almost killed you every day.

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