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The next morning Rhea heard a loud squeal coming from the common room. As she came down the stairs from her dorm, she saw Pansy jumping up and down in delight and put her arms around Draco's neck. He hugged her back, a smirk on his face. Rolling her eyes, Rhea walked to class alone.
Half way through, Blaise came caught up with her.
"Do you have any clue how many times I called after you ?!" he panted.
"Sorry, Blaise" Rhea said, absent- mindedly. "What happened ?"
"What is there left to happen ?!" he said. "Pansy ?! I mean, are all other girls in Hogwarts DEAD , that he had to choose HER ?!"
Rhea shrugged.
"Let it be" she said. "Havent seen him THAT excited before"

Being Draco Malfoy's girlfriend gave Pansy a new kind of power to be more insufferable than ever before. Rhea hated her more than ever now, since Draco never had any time to spend with her. At first Rhea didnt mind as it was his first time with a girlfriend. But then, it began to hurt. A lot.

                             * * *
"Rhea ! WAIT !!"
Rhea stopped, hearing Draco's voice behind her.
"Hey !" He said, with a smile. "Where have you been ?"
"Right here, Draco" said Rhea, trying to be as pleasent as possible.
"You dont look too well" said Draco, bring his hand up to touch her face.
Rhea backed off, saying "Im fine"
"Feels like we havent talked for ages" he said, brushing his hair with his fingers casually.
"Thats 'coz we havent" Rhea reminded him.
He remained silent for a moment.
"I was going up to the library to do the assignment." he said finally. "Care to join me ?"
"Umm...Are you-" began Rhea, to be cut off by a high pitched voice.
Draco looked back to see his girlfriend coming up to them, putting her hands around him, and pressing her lips to his. Rhea moved back a couple of steps, feeling nauseated.
"I was looking everywhere for you !" said Pansy, her arms still around him.
"Come on, lets do the assignment together !"
With that, she began to pull him, her way.
"Rhea-" began Draco.
"Bye Draco " said Rhea flatly, turning to leave.
But Draco didnt move. He stood looking at Rhea apologetically.
"She has to go, Drakey." Pansy said, pulling again. "Arent you leaving, Felton ?"
"To hell with you, Parkinson" said Rhea, before walking away.

                            * * *
After the incident with Draco, Rhea went straight to dorm, and didnt come out for dinner even. This got him worrying about her. And while most of the Slytherin house were still  at dinner, he sneaked into Rhea's dorm room.
He saw that she was wrapped in her blanket, and lying on her bed in a fetal position.
"Someone skipped dinner today " said Draco, sitting on her bed.
Rhea jumped up, stared at Draco.
"Draco !" she said in a hiss.
The blanket fell off to reveal her pink spaghetti strapped nightgown.
Draco's eyes wandered, looking at this dress he hasnt seen before.
"DRACO ! Dont come in like that !" she said.
"Fine, you are always welcome to mine ! Come there then." he said, gently taking her hand in his.
"No, I dont want to" said Rhea, pulling back.
"Whats happened to you ?" Draco asked, looking at her pretty face.
"You are avoiding me "
"Im not"
"Then talk to me "
"I am talking to you"
Rhea got up from her bed, and picked up a sweater from her trunk, and put it on. Then she took his hand and led him out of her dorm, and down to the common room.
They sat on their usual couch.
"Ok. Now we can talk " she said.
They sat watching the fire.
Just as Draco opened his mouth, someone grabbed Draco from the back, placing a violent kiss on his cheek. Draco looked at Rhea with wide eyes, to see her watching the show with her arms folded tightly across her chest, and a sarcastic look on her face.
"Drakey! Why did you leave so early !!!?" Pansy's voice made Rhea's ears itch.
Pansy came around the couch and sat on Draco's lap seductively. Just as she sat, Rhea sprang up.
"How about we go to your dorm, sweety?"she said, with a sickening giggle.
Draco was stuttering now, nervously glancing at Rhea and then Pansy.
"Come on Drakeyy...pleasee !!"
"Have fun, Drakey" said Rhea, stalking back up to her dorm, not looking back.

Meant to be (Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now