So that left Scott, he finally was able to get a date with a girl actually. He was trying too hard to be straight and it was embarrassing...

I can kiss a girl far better than him and I did. She was shocked and Scott was horny, he could not get his cock hard for the girl but seeing two girls kiss each other he sure had a boner...

That was his first hand job, and ours, it did get awkward afterward when he came back from his high and started to curse me, called me every name he could say from his virgin mouth...

Then I told him the news and you know he did not even blinked when he said he would give any child of mine his name if the time came...

Don't go soft on him, that asshole thought he could fool his parents telling them it was his so they would stop making him go on dates with girls as well as boast in school that he got laid" she sighs before a smile tugs her lips.


"Still I have never loved anyone at that moment the way I loved Scott. Therefore, we thought fuck it we are keeping the baby and that is when the shit hit the fan...

It was yet another orgy party, he threw and they wanted to tap the hottest whore they had, I promised Scott I will be clean but you do not say no to free drinks and sex...

Scott and Nuts found me while I was blowing him and for the first time in my life, I was ashamed of myself, but I was too high to think straight...

Scott gathered my clothes and was trying to pull me away from everything, while, Nuts was threatening them at the top of her lungs...

Sadly, we were outnumbered they started to attack Nuts and Scott, if it was only Scott I would have stayed back you know, I am sure it was one of his fantasies to get gang banged by hot biker men but they touched Nuts, called her names...

Names that they called me, names she did not deserved, no one did. She had just turned sixteen at the time the same age I got involved and I did not want her to turn out just like me...

She has a mean right hook by the way, some of them were crying like babies and I laughed, he did not like it slamming my head on the wall and everything was spinning and I was seeing doubles...

I was too high to do anything except lie in my own blood and watch them trying to rape my sister, he always had a gun with him, kept it in his shoes sole, so I gathered every little strength in my body and pulled it out...

Shot at his arm, before my morning sickness started and I started vomit all over the floor. Natalie took the gun away from me, asked Scott to carry me out and we ran just as he did...

Following our car for revenge, he crossed the red light, he should not have and just like any other road kill a truck hit his bike...

I will never forget that, the man I gave my everything; for whom, I left everything even my sanity died so easily just like that, as road kill...

We never talked about that incident ever; but what hurt the most was someone I worshiped even for all the worst reason died just like that...

For three years of my life, I thought nothing can touch him, he was like a God for me and I was so stupid to think of him like that yet...

For me the man who rode that bike was a free man, who could drive wherever he wanted, do whatever he wanted, be what he wanted yet he died just like that...

A week later, I was bleeding and I lost the baby it was my entire fault. All of the drugs and drinks finally caught up to me, my systems were, damaged badly and the doctor told me I could never bear any child anymore...

My fertility rate was too low and it was a high risk if I ever got pregnant" Star stops talking as she shudders.


"We can stop" Warren whispers in her ear as he kisses her hair but she shakes her head no.

"No, I want to end this once and for all so you can never ask me again about this" she states strongly as she moves her head a bit and stares in his eyes.

"Okay, go on" he smiles as he kisses her forehead.

"So you see, Scott used all of his college money to put me in a rehab, my father refused to give shelter to one more addict as it seems I was not the only one in the family, his second wife was an addict too...

However, in all of this, my mother never once came to see me, and I hated her even more. Then again, who would have blamed her? She was fighting with cancer that is why she married again, so even after she died I would have a roof over my head...

Moreover, all that time I was throwing my life away with drugs, drinks and smoking my life away that was my wake up call...

That last day I spent with my mother, I promised I would never touch anything that will take me back to the place which made me forget my mother, see that she was fighting with death just so she can be with me for a few more hours...

It took me three years to; finally give everything up, and three more to come out clean. I lived with Scott afterwards; he worked day and night to make a living for both of us...

I was too scared to walk out of the house and meet people, I was too ashamed and then I got the news of my father's incredulous announcement of his inheritance...

Took me two years to make Scott say yes to marry me, and a whole year to prove to my father that I was not the same girl he threw out...

Well I won't go into all of those boring details but here we are I got the property in my name, Scott got to live his dream whoring around with men and me a house in between woods where there was no human contact until I met you...

Then again glad you are not a human" she grins as she kisses his jaw making him hold her tightly and take a deep breath.


"I am glad we met, Star" he speaks as he stares at her face with a smile.

"So, what is it? You hate me or still want to get inside of me?" she teases flicking his nose.


"What?" she asks in surprise.

"I do not hate you because what you went through even if in someway it was your fault I want to say I understand as you had no one to guide you through and if all of those things did not occur, no matter how bad I would not have gotten a chance to meet a strong woman like you...

You have been surprising me from the moment I saw you taking that cigar and I have never wanted any woman the way I wanted you at that moment as you smoked...

Nothing looked sexier in my eyes than the view of you with your skimpy nightdress, hair flowing and the cigar in you mouth...

Moreover, I am not saying all of this to get inside of you nor do I plan to not just, because right now I just want to hold you in my arms, thank you for telling me your story...

Just for the record you did not kill him, he died because of his choices, his choice to ruin you, his choice to hurt you and your sister, his choice to follow you and his choice to cross the red light" he assures her making her smile sadly.

"Bruce, his name was Bruce, the Boar" she giggles telling him the name of the man for whom she lost her everything yet in Warren's arms she found everything, the peace she has been searching for.

The Cigar [The Series 3] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now