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Ross' point of view

I woke up to Riker and my dad arguing, what the hell? Whatever... I didn't wanna deal with it. I turned over and put the pillow over my head attempting to block out the yelling.

But not soon after, my curtains were yanked open, "Ross. Mom wants you." I turned over to see Rydel, "tell her I'm sleeping." I mumbled.

"Come on Ross, do you really wanna argue with her?" She says desperately.

I sighed, "no, and are Riker and dad fighting?" I asked crawling outta my bunk and throwing on a T-shirt.

She nods, "yeah, Riker did a number on Ellington. Rightly so." She adds.

I rub my hands across my face stressfully, "since when did out lives get so messed up?" I asked. Really.. I wanted to know because if there was any logical explanation at all.. I would love to hear it.

She shrugged, "I dunno Ross. But we'll figure it out. Come on, mom is waiting."

I followed Rydel into the front of the bus and saw Riker sitting down with my dad hovering over him and my mom beside Riker.

"What's going on?" I asked. .

"Riker told us what all happened last night.. I just wanted to see if you were alright." She says softly.

I cringe at the memory of it, "yeah mom I'm fine. Is everything okay here?"

My dad looks at me with angry in his eyes, "I told you both! No fighting!"

I held my hands up in defense, "I didn't so anything . I tried breaking up the fight, and I got slapped in the process."

"I said I was sorry!!" Riker jumps in. My mom pulls him back down, "calm down sweetie."

"Mom, I said I was sorry! I didn't mean to!" He cried to our mother.

I rolled my eyes, "are we done here?"

My dad shakes his head, "not even close. Rydel, go grab Ellington." My father demands.

"No, dad I really have nothing to say to him." I told him.

"You guys are all talking this out.. like the adults you are suppose to be!" He shouts. My dad really doesn't like conflict.

Rydel comes in with Ellington and I see Riker really did do a number on him he has one gnarly black eye and a busted up lip. I couldn't help but feel a little proud of Riker!

My boyfriend's a badass!

"Sit." He instructed Ellington and I.

I sat on the opposite couch from Riker and Rydel sat next to me and Ellington sat far from the side of me with my dad next to him and my mom still comforting Riker.

"Okay.. Ross.. why don't you explained what happened the night with Drew." My dad says.

"Do I really have to.? It's painful to talk about." I said quietly.

"It's nothing we haven't heard before Ross.. please?" Rydel tells me and grabs my hand squeezing it lightly.

I sighed, "well... Before the meet in greet in Ohio Drew came up to me and starts flirting with me. Then he told me he was watching us preform that night and wanted me to find him after the show. So after the show we were walking to the bus but I felt him grab me and he took me around the side of the venue its like his whole personality changed. He was a completely different person. And you guys know what happened from there..." I trailed off not really wanting to get into anymore detail.

My dad clears his throat, "okay... Now Ellington, why did you do what you did?"

Ellington takes a big long sigh, "I met Drew at the drum store a few months prior. He knew who I was because of the band. He was explaining how he found Ross attractive so I talked him about hooking you guys up... I was tired of watching Riker wait for you. He was hung up on you when he could've been with me..." He explained.

I felt anger build up inside me after every word he said.

"But I swear... I never told him to hurt you. I would never do that! I'm so sorry I caused all this trouble. And Riker I'm sorry, for fighting back last night. I just wish in your hearts you can find a way to forgive me." He says on the verge of tears.

Riker sighs and stands up holding his hand out, "im sorry too man... It's not me you have to fix this with though."

Riker sits back down and curls up next to my mom. He's always been such a mamas boy. That's one of the things I love about him.

Ellington goes up to me, "Ross.. I know we haven't been on the best note lately but I do love you . You've been my little brother for 10 years.  I'm so so sorry."

I got up and hugged him, "it's okay Ell.. I love you too."

He smiles and Rydel takes him to the back of the bus where I'm assuming the rest of everyone is.

"Okay, now your guys turn." My dad told us.


"No, let me explain my actions.."  he says sitting up.

He takes a long jagged breath, "rossy... I love you , I can't express this enough.. I've crossed the line in more ways than one. I am the worst boyfriend EVER. I will never ever EVERRR put my hands on you like that again, I swear. Just please... Don't break up with me!" He sobs.

"Riker... I'm not going to break up with you.  I love you. And I know you are sorry.. but I've never seen you so mad!! It scared me! I told you not to do anything but you did.. you don't listen to me. So please, work on that. I promise Riker, this is the last time. I'm not going to take you back next time, I'm tired of getting hurt; it's not good for either of us." I said letting out a long Shakey  breath.

Riker comes and hugs me tightly, "I will I promise!! And I swear I won't do anything to fuck this up anymore. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you with all my heart."

"I love you too." I said passionately.

"Okay , everyone good?" My dad asks totally ruining the moment. We laugh a pull back, "yeah dad. Thanks."

He smiled and hugged both of us, "of course. I don't like it when my boys fight. Now get ready, we have sound check in an hour." He says and exits the bus.



Gosh, my updating game is hella strong! Only because you guys dominate the goal I set for you guys! I really mean it when I say if you reach the goal then I'll update, like if you reach the goal the same day I post, I'll post again! I truly do love writing for you guys and I'm glad you enjoy reading it.


75 reads, 11 votes and 16 comments for an update!! You guys can do it!!


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