“We’ll go,” she announced.

Dickon helped Aline onto her grey mare, a broad smile on his tanned face as he put his hand out to steady her.  Side-by-side they trotted through the wide streets of the city to the main gate, talking idly of their plans for the day.

Aline was used to riding far and fast, and she was delighted to discover Dickon well matched and equally fearless.  They galloped far across the moorland, daring each other onto greater speeds, jumping fences and streams.

By late morning they came upon a small village where an ale-wife stood at her gate, broadcasting her wares loudly.  In unspoken agreement the riders dismounted and sauntered over to buy a flagon, drinking down the cool liquid gladly.  Wiping his mouth on his sleeve Dickon spoke.  “If you would care to wait here and finish your drink, my lady, I will buy lunch in the market.”

Aline agreed and watched him depart, a swagger in his step that caused her pulse to quicken. Children were playing and lovers walking arm in arm.  Aline walked between the brightly covered stalls, nibbling at a handful of cobnuts and looking for Dickon, enjoying the chance to be among people without ceremony. She finally spotted him as he appeared from behind a hut, his saddlebag slung carelessly over his shoulder.  Bowing again he held out an arm for Aline.  They walked together through the village, Aline acutely aware of the nearness of Dickon’s body.  Unbidden her mind drifted back to the conversation with Godfrey.  As was the case for all highborn women, her husband would be the first man to bed her.  In moments of honesty she admitted to herself that she was not without curiosity: sometimes, watching other couples in the court laughing and dancing she longed so much for someone to seize her up in an embrace that the sensation was almost painful.  She was glad when they returned to the horses and she could push such inappropriate thoughts away.

The sun had started to descend before the riders stopped for a late lunch.  The purple heather of the moorland had began to thin and clusters of trees appeared, providing some welcome shade from the sun.  Aline had not been keeping track of the direction, leaving it up to Dickon to choose the route.  They had ridden far enough to be close to the forest close to the borders of the province.  Now as she dismounted Aline’s stomach fluttered uneasily at being so far from the castle with only one groom for security.

Tethering the horses to a tree she scratched them between their eyes while Dickon unloaded his pannier.  He handed Aline a goblet of cool wine and she drained it thirstily, pushing her worries to the back of her mind.  The day was unexpectedly warm so they removed their cloaks and gloves and sat lazily against the trunk of a tree, sipping the wine and picking at bread and cheese.  Dickon was easy company, though the talk never moved much beyond horses and the amusing snippets of gossip about the goings-on of the castle staff.

Dickon refilled Aline’s goblet once more and she lay back in the warm heather, eyes closed, sleepily enjoying the chance to leave behind her duties and lessons.  Somewhere not too far away a hunting horn sounded and she idly wondered who it might be.  She tried to pull herself upright to see but found her body felt heavier than usual.  Her head started to swim.

“It didn’t taste strange in the slightest did it, my lady?” Dickon said, his mouth twisting into a smile but his eyes cold. The look on his face terrified Aline more than anything she had ever experienced and she sensed instantly something was deeply wrong.

“What do you mean ‘taste strange’?” she asked, alarmed to hear her voice sounded a long way off and not her own.  Dickon leaned over and picked up the goblet from Aline’s side.  She flinched as his hand brushed her arm.

“The wine.  It tasted no different from usual but you’ve been drugged, my lady.  By me, I’m afraid.  I put Rock Poppy juice in your wine.  Not the most sophisticated of drugs but highly effective.  As you have already discovered it paralyses the drinker quickly and sleep follows soon after,” he explained.

“What do…” Aline tried to make sense of what the man was saying but was finding it hard to concentrate.  “What have… you… done?”

“I just told you, I’ve drugged you,” Dickon explained matter-of-factly.  “The Duke of Roxholm has paid me very well to hand you over to him.  In a short while a number of his guards will be here to take you to the Citadel of Roxholm.”

He sat back on his heels.  “I will of course manfully try to defend you from their ‘surprise’ attack but sadly I will be no match.  I will be found with some minor but alarming looking injuries, wandering near to Leavingham Keep, dazed and with a ransom letter some time this evening.”

Comprehension dawned and with growing alarm Aline tried again to sit up.  “No!  You filthy traitor, you hang…for…this…” she tried to snarl, though her voice barely broke the silence surrounding them.

Dickon’s response was a smirk.  “Ah, my lady, so fierce!  Do you think I would tell you any of this if I thought there was a chance that might happen?  I shall be far overseas by the time your fool of a grandfather has negotiated your return.”

He knelt down beside Aline and spoke softly in her ear, “I’m sorry we have to part like this.  But as attractive as you are, the price I was paid was even more so.”  He started to run his fingers through Aline’s hair, pulling the combs out and unwinding the long braid.  Aline tried to push him away but her arms felt weighted and numb.  She gave a scream that in her head sounded loud and piercing, but which came out as half gasp-half sob.

“Still,” Dickon continued as though he had heard nothing, “as this will be the last time we meet we may as well say our goodbyes thoroughly. I imagine we have some time before my associates arrive.  I’ve been longing to do this since I first saw you.”

With that he began with one hand to pull at the laces of Aline’s bodice, moving closer so that his wine-scented breath was warm on her face.  Aline had not thought she could be any more horrified but at his touch she felt as though hot knives were being drawn across her skin.  She tried again to scream but before she could cry out his mouth was on hers, his lips crushing her own and his tongue forcing them apart.  Instinctively Aline bit down hard onto his lip.  The groom pulled away with a cry of surprise, a trickle of blood leaking from his mouth.  He grabbed a handful of Aline’s hair and jerked her head sharply to the side then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

Aline cried out at the pain which shot through her head but again found that her voice was no more than a mewl.  She glared at him, her face full of hate but her eyes pleading with him to stop.

“Lady Aline,” Dickon reproached her, “your modesty is charming but you know you find me desirable.  I’ve seen it in your eyes so don’t be so coy. We must take our pleasure while we can.”

Dickon moved so swiftly he was astride her almost before Aline realised, one knee forcing its way between Aline’s legs, the weight of his body crushing the breath from her chest.  His mouth worked roughly down her neck while his arms pinned her own to the ground.  By now Aline’s body felt leaden and the blood was pounding in her ears.  She could no more fight his assault than she could prevent the wind from blowing.  Her mind revolted at the prospect of what was about to take place.  Her only hope that the unconsciousness he had promised would come quickly and save her from knowing.

She made one last futile effort to throw her assailant off, kicking her legs wildly, but the effort sent her head reeling.  Her vision began to blur.  From what seemed like a great distance she heard the sound of hooves followed by raised voices.  A black clad figure loomed above them, a dagger glinting at Dickon’s neck.

“Stop that or I’ll slit your worthless throat,” a harsh voice snarled.

The pressure of Dickon’s body lifted from her and Aline drew a rasping breath.  The figures spun like puppets before Aline’s heavy eyes; the groom in his rough brown jerkin and a dark haired man, the severity of his black leather broken only by a slash of wine coloured cloth at his neck.  Her last memory was of piercing blue eyes flashing in her direction, before blackness closed over her and she was lost to the world.

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