Jewel Thief

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"So how good are you with that dangerous whip of yours?" Blaze asked.

"Very. I feel like a panther with it. I can swing with it too" Silver said and held it out for her.

"Nice. Where did you get it?" She asked him.

"Well....." Silver explains to her.


"Come on, boys. You can do better than that" Silver chuckled with a smirk. He then sees one of them trying to get the revolver and Silver ran underneath him and tosses him over his head like a ragdoll.

"Meow" Silver meowed and leaves the thugs injured.

His ears perk up when he heard something behind him and he jumps in the air, does a backflip and lands right behind the intruder that was about to whip him.

"Seriously, a whip? Too dangerous to carry it around in public, doofus" Silver smirked.

"I'll show you danger, you white rat!" the thug with the whip.

He tries to hit Silver with the whip but Silver keeps dodging every time the thug tried to hit him. He then grabs his wrist and the thug groans in pain.


"I'll have that if you don't mind" Silver takes the whip and then kicks the thug into a barrel.

"Perfect weapon" Silver grinned and leaves the thugs in the garbage.

(End of Flashback)

"So that's how you got it?" Blaze said.

Silver nodded and takes the whip back, "Yup. It makes me feel like Indiana Jones"

Blaze giggled at that and so did Silver. Snow walked up to Silver and Blaze and she nuzzled on Blaze's leg, purring cutely.

"Awww Snow" Blaze picks her up.

Silver pets Snow and the white cat meowed at him happily.

"You are too cute, Snow. But I wonder if I could ask you in my mind how to recognize Ebony" Silver said. Snow flashes her eyes and got into Silver's mind.


"Silver, you know that Ebony is a black cat right?" Snow said in Silver's mind. Silver nodded.

"She can be recognized by her blue eyes and an Egyptian necklace she has on her neck. She will also make anyone near her except her henchmen or henchwomen to have really painful accidents as soon as they are near her" Snow tells Silver a bit more about Ebony.

"Alright, where is she now?" Silver asked.

"I don't know, Silver. But be careful if you see her" Snow said, flashing back from his mind.


"Whoa, it feels so weird having you in me" Silver said.

"Meow meow" Snow meowed for a 'Yeah right' to him.

"What did she say?" Blaze asked Silver.

"She told me how to recognize Ebony" Silver said.

"What did she look like?" Blaze asked.

"She has an Egyptian necklace around her neck and has similar blue eyes to Snow" Silver tells Blaze about Ebony.

"So we just need to know that a black cat is wearing an Egyptian necklace" Blaze said.

"Exactly and now we must find her so she won't bring chaos around her with her bad luck" Silver said.

"Yes. And uh good luck there, Silver" Blaze said.

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