Entry Six

18 1 0

Can I just say that I completely hate my teacher!!! She is a complete BITCH AND IS ANNOYING AS FUCK! She wants to sit here and give the class a whole bunch of work then complains when she has to grade it... BITCH WHY DID YOU ASSIGN IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. I find it completely a wast of time to give the class all of this crap if you complain about it later. Like for real do you think i want to be doing all this work that you give...UMM NO. Another thing she does that pisses me off is when she sits there and gives us all this work...BUT NO DAMN TIME TO DO IT, LIKE WHAT THE FUCK! You want to give out all this work fine go ahead but you need to be giving us time to do it you fucker. I try so fucking hard to keep up my grades and then I get a this bitch of a teacher. She doesn't even teach us the right material, I mean its English class and she teaches us History in here, if I wanted you to teach me History I would have you as my damn History teacher.    

TrashTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon