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Three years ago

The music class was almost over and some of my classmates were already packing their things up. Scanning the whole area, I concluded I was the only one left sitting on the cold floor.

I massaged my temples lightly, frustrated knowing my head had been aching since this morning. I did take paracetamol after my lunch break however the pain did not get any better. Though remembering some facts to begin with, someone called me at 2 am.

"Screw you and your unexpected calls, Lee Donghyuck." I groaned silently as I tugged my hair down. Bad headaches were the sequel to little to no sleep.

"Should I say sorry now?"

I looked up and saw the kid at fault beaming a wide smile. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him. Goodness, how can he be this unforgiving? He chuckled and sat beside me. "You know it's bad to bunk classes, right?" he said as if he was the responsible one, teasing me to the guts.

"And what do you call yourself? You're bunking our next class too!" I protested. Looking around again, no one was left except the two of us.

I heaved a sigh and again, another groan had escaped. I hated this feeling. It felt like I couldn't do anything at all. I couldn't even think properly. "Don't skip your next class." I warned him.

I tried turning away but he kept annoying me with the recorder he reached from the side, patting my shoulders, arms and head. He just won't quit until he's satisfied, with me pissed.

He snickered as he stood up and went to the grand piano. No words escaped my mouth. I found myself watching him as he took off the white cloth draped over the instrument. Nothing was spontaneous about him playing the piano. After all, he distinctively played some classical songs I knew. The only difference I could pinpoint while scrutinizing him wholly were his skills and techniques. He was good. He was that good. Though my mediocre expectations while he was playing increased by the time I heard a new key, a piece foreign to my ears.

And he sang.

"Could it be a possibility? I'm trying to say what's up..

Cause I'm made for you, and you for me,

Baby now it's time for us..

Tryin' to give it all together but enough is enough...

They say we're too young for love,

But I..

I'm catching feelings..."

A shy smile was plastered on his face after ending the quick chorus. He kept moving along the octaves, an improvisation, continuing the awkward atmosphere in the room. My eyes were locked on his, and his lay gentle upon mine. My heart jumped, raced, and danced in confusion. Had I been crazy? What was this foreign sensation?

"Um, okay?"

I bit my lip after blurting out the unnecessary side comment. I forgot my hand was on my chest, feeling the insane beating of my heart. It felt like I was experiencing some sort of palpitation.

"Is it too fast? I mean, your heart, is it too fast?" his face grew suddenly weary. He also had his hand over his chest, telling me about what was fast. But a moment after, I was taken aback seeing his smug face.

"Don't worry." he muttered, "this Haechan..." He pointed to himself. "already caught feelings for you since the start."



cover created by @ulthei ! thank you!

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