VI. Gold Runs Through Our Blood

Start from the beginning

She looked at the little 'P' engraved on the side of her bed; remembered the captivating bright green mirror that indirectly appeared just like her eyes. She knew that something connected all of these factors, and she was going to find out what too. But she had to take her overwhelming life step by step.

The sunshine reappeared in her grassy meadows, the flowers blooming. Her eyes had become a beautiful vision of spring. November knew by now that she needed to see Rebecca and the nothingness in her eyes that sometimes changed; there were no questions that needed to be asked about it. She missed that world, and she missed Austin too.

She did not know whether her small crush on the girl was hopeless or not, but she didn't care enough about the trivial issue. All she wanted was to see everybody again, and to experience the beautiful dusk followed by a silver cloak of moonlight all over.

She climbed down the first tower, her shoes scraping the stone of the castle. The same routine as last time applied to how she travelled, but this time she avoided being in close proximity to any of the clean, transparent windows. She had also learnt to bring shoes if she was climbing down the castle - last time, the blisters on her little feet had made strolling down the streets slightly challenging.

She began to slide down the roof; the slide was surprisingly fun. She could already feel the liberty in the air, the soft light of the sun through dreamlike clouds blessing the earth. Taking a chance, November jumped further down - onto the, ninth maybe, floor.

Carefully, the princess lowered herself down from the ninth floor. Her breath hitched and she held it, making sure that nobody would catch her this time. Taking a quick, yet deep breath, she decided that it was time to take a chance and run for it. Down the spiralling staircase she sprinted, seeing she was on the sixteenth storey she staggered to the gates.

Clank. After relentless tugging on the golden lock, November knew that there was no way to unlock them, and she had to find a way out that was not through the locked palace gates. Crrrack. Oh no. She had stepped on a stick. Quickly, she darted her head around to ensure that no one was coming her way. So far, the coast was clear.

She used a ladder to climb over a heavily armed wall, built with stone and covered completely in barriers. Whilst it looked incredibly difficult to get past, the look was deceiving. One needed only a ladder to climb over the castle wall. She smiled at the old, metal ladder, her tired feet clambering to reach the top before she could be sighted. Smiling to herself with satisfaction, she threw the ladder away at full strength once she got to the top. Back to where it was before. No disturbances.

"Agh!" November squealed as somebody knocked her over immediately upon her arrival into the market square. She tried to identify whoever it was that pushed her, but could not see a trace of the attacker until they wrapped their arms around her neck from behind. A sick smile played at their lips, their caramel tresses framing their face.

"Get off me!" She yelled, elbowing the man with what little strength she had. Suddenly, being a young girl in a wider world of possibilities was shown as a possible threat to November's life. How could she possibly know what he wanted? The man tumbled back a little after the force of her elbows, but it was not enough. He quickly regained control of her. His brown eyes lit up like fireworks.

"What do you want!?" November asked, exasperated. After all of the effort of escaping from the castle a second time (which proved to be much more difficult), she was being hunted down by somebody in a society that she saw less flaws in. Now, here she was, struggling within the strong grip of an armed man.

"I want to find a Rebecca. Do you know where she is?" The man hissed, putting a knife to her neck. November's heart skipped a beat. A knife. The rain, stormclouds and everything flashed in her eyes at once, but she had to keep her composure. No matter whether or not he knew that her hands were shaking uncontrollably. Her breaths were quick. The knife edged closer.

Princess November: One Princess, One Peasant, One Strict QueenWhere stories live. Discover now