Sleepwalking Towards Happiness

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   (Y/n) had just woken up to a muffled crashing sound. Laying in bed, she waited for another noise, making sure it wasn't her imagination. After hearing nothing, she settled back down and tried to fall asleep. *thump* *crash* (Y/n) quickly jolted out of bed and grabbed her pistol from under her pillow. With feather-like footsteps, she padded out of her room.

Her pistol was raised, as she made her way down the dark hallway, the gun's small flashlight being her only way of seeing. (Y/n) tried to mold herself to the wall as she listened for sound. Once again, she heard a thump and ran towards it. She twisted and turned through hallways until she found herself in the dimly lit living room. She switched off her light and tiptoed around the floorboards, gun pointed towards the floor. *thump* Raising her gun again, she turned the corner leading to the map room to see a tall figure facing the wall.

"Who are you?"

No response. "What are you doing here?" Silence.

She reached for her light as she said, "If you don't answer me, I'll sho- Sam?"

She flipped the safety on, now only using the flashlight of the gun. "I could've shot you! Why the fuck didn't you answer me?!"

He still didn't speak, only muttered. (Y/n) walked towards him, her form looking miniscule next to his broad t-shirt clad shoulders. He was wearing the flannel red and blue pajama pants she had gotten him for his birthday since she noticed he didn't own any. This showed he had been in bed at one point. What's he doing up so late? She wondered.

"Sam, answer me you gia-" She stopped talking, noticing his eyes were shut and he was swaying slightly. The sway turned into steps as he started towards the stairs opposite of the map room. (Y/n) followed close behind.

"He's sleep walking...?" she muttered to herself.

She was close behind him when she saw him walked awfully close to the beginning step. As fast as she could, she ran past him to the first step placing her hand on his chest pushing him back slightly. He stumbled back a bit then opened his eyes.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing? Wait, where am I?"

(Y/n) dropped her hand she had pushed Sam back with a took a deep breath, "You were sleepwalking, Sam. I heard a crash and thought it was a robber or something. I almost shot you!" Sam just looked confused as she continued, "Do you know how hard that would've been to explain to Dean? 'Oh sorry Dean, I shot little Sammy because I thought he was robbing our impenetrable fortress!' yeah, that'd go over well."

She kept rambling as Sam gathered his bearings.

"(Y/n)... (Y/n)" She kept going, pacing in a small line in front of him, flailing her arms around. "(Y/N)!" Sam raised his voice as he gripped her small frame.

Once she had stopped speaking, Sam continued, "Calm down. I sleepwalk when I get nervous about hunts. This one we've been working on has been stressing me out. I've done this since I was a kid. You don't know how many times Dean and Dad almost took me out!"

With the last words, she released the breath she was holding, slouching her shoulders. "Why are you stressed out? This isn't the hardest thing we've dealt with before."

Sam's small smile he had shown when she relaxed faded as he looked to the side. "You fit the perfect image for what this monster's been targeting. I don't want something to happen to you..."

(Y/n)'s mouth formed a small "o" as she stared at him. (Y/n) had always harbored feelings for the younger Winchester even though Dean was always flirting with her. Now he was worried about her? Did he feel the same way? No... no, that couldn't be. They were all a team. It's normal to worry about your team. Right? Right.

She was now smiling as she placed her small hands on the larger ones sat on her shoulders. "Don't worry about me! I know you and Dean wouldn't let anything happen to me. We're a team!"

Sam couldn't help it. She looked so cute with that sleepy smile and her messy bun flopping to the right side. He pulled her in for a bear hug, his arms wrapped around her, pressing her into him. Out of shock, her gun clattered to the ground, flashlight shining on the floor. She gripped his t-shirt with her now empty hands and held him just as tightly as he was holding her; maybe even tighter. He smelt like old books, fresh linen, and musk. His chin was ducked down, tucking her head into his chest.

They stood like that for what felt like hours until Sam spoke, pulling away.

"I-I'm sorry. I know how you are about personal space."

Her cheeks were heated as she squeaked out, "No, no... I like when you're in my personal space." (Y/n) froze. What the hell did I just say?!

Sam chuckled, bringing her attention back to him. "I like it too..."

With her eyes wide, she questioned, "You do?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, his shoulder length hair getting in the way. "Yeah... I mean, I've liked you for a while now but Dean seemed relentless. Every time I'd try to talk to you alone, he'd barge in."

(Y/n) was in a state of shock. She couldn't form words. Only open and close her mouth like a fish; trying to find the right words.

Sam continued, "I-If you don't feel the same way, I totally understand."

"No!" Sam looked down at her, surprised by her outburst. "No, I really like you. I just thought the feelings weren't mutual so I never said anything..."

They both let out a laugh. More of a breathy chuckle really. She stepped closer to him, pulling on his shirt. He allowed her to bring him close to her as the stared at each other in the darkness. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders as she stood on her tippy toes. He still had to bend down to get in her face, their lips barely an inch apart.

"Can I...?" Sam whispered.

Not trusting her voice, (Y/n) hummed in approval. He lightly touched her lips to his into a kiss. There was force behind it but it wasn't so hard that it hurt her.

They pulled apart after a minute or so, breathing somewhat labored. (Y/n) was the first to chuckle and release his shirt. Sam kept his arms loosely around her.

"You know, maybe you wouldn't be so worried if I slept next to you. Ya know... to keep me safe."

"That might just work." Sam said in a smart tone.

(Y/n) slipped under his arms and picked up the long forgotten pistol. "Lead the way," she said as he grabbed her hand.

She knew his room was close to the library since he stayed up at ungodly hours researching but she didn't know the exact room. Once they had found their way to his door, (Y/n) clicked off the light of her gun. They made their way to the bed, unmade and sheets in a ball. (Y/n) laughed at she unwound the ball of linens and spread them out. She was the first to climb in, Sam so joining her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into his chest. He kissed the back of her head as her breathing evened out, signaling she had fallen asleep.

The next morning came and Dean busted through Sam's door. "Sammy, I can't find (Y/n) anywhere! She wasn't in her room."

(Y/n) had stolen all the sheets while sleeping, covering herself from Dean's view in the process.

Sam groggily sat up, quite unhappy with how he was woken. "She's fine. I promise." he said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"How do you know?!" At this point, Deans shouting had woken (Y/n) causing her to become rather annoyed.

She threw the blankets off her, her messy hair falling in her face as she sat up.

"Dean. Shut the hell up or so help me god, I will shove my foot so far up your ass, you'll question your sexuality."

With that she flopped back down onto the mattress, returning to her blanket cocoon.

Sam turned his attention back to his dumbfounded brother with a smirk, "You heard her. Bye."

"Bout time. I was waiting for you to make a move." Dean left without another word and closing the door as the two cuddle together.

Sam was pretty glad (Y/n) caught him sleepwalking.

Sleepwalking Towards Happiness (Sam Winchester x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum