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OK, here's chapter 2. There was a request for POVs from the other guys. Hopefully I've represented them well and captured them accurately. Also, I'm going to admit that I took a little glee writing in House's POV. Please please please keep in mind this is Gregory House. He's going to be crass and offensive and can't take a breath without pushing someone's buttons. Also, I'm not a doctor, I don't know anything about medicine or treatment. I've tried to do some research to make it sort of believable, but I "may" have completely fabricated some medication reactions and testing procedures. Thanks for reading this and continuing your comments and voting, it means a lot to me!!

North's POV

Kota ran past us from the cabin like a bat out of hell. I tried to reach out to him, slow him down so we could find out what was going on. He ignored all of our calls and ran from us toward the parking lot. Owen came out next and sent Luke and Victor in to the Doc and Sang. This was bad. The three of them were the only ones trained in the group for emergency medical care. I needed in there. I needed to see her for myself, to be near her, to hold her hand and know she was still breathing. I hadn't felt this helpless with her in a long time. I ran my hands through my hair, unsure what to do. I spotted Mr. B coming back from his cabin, a shirt in hand, as he approached our cabin, where they had Sang sequestered.

"Mr. B, wait up." I jogged over to him, breaking away from the guys, huddled around, speculating what was going on, fear in their eyes. Owen stopped for a moment.

"Mr. Taylor?" his face was blank, devoid of emotion.

"I need to know what's going on in there." I motioned toward the cabin, "We all need to know."

"As soon as I know, I'll let you know Mr. Taylor." He shocked me into silence, frozen by his words as he approached the cabin. If he didn't know, then Sean was playing things close to his chest. That was really bad. I wanted to punch something or throw something heavy at something else. This pent up frustration needed an outlet.

Kota pulled up beside me then in the van and pandemonium erupted. I slammed my fist into the side of the car. I would pay for the damages to the vehicle out of my own pocket. Sean rushed out then with Sang limp in his arms, Luke right by his side. Owen opened the back door without a word as they leapt in and took off. I wasn't waiting around. If they were rushing off, then we needed to as well. I raced to the cabin, along with my brothers and we grabbed what we needed and rushed back, leaving everything else behind. I watched Kota pull around the campsite and head back towards the road. I ran harder trying not to lose sight. Whoever wasn't at that damned vehicle by the time I got there was being left behind. Mr. B actually beat me to it and was starting it up as I clamored into the front passenger seat.

"Where are we going? I need a location." I roared at anyone who would listen.

"Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital." Victor spoke up. I hadn't even see him. For some reason I had assumed that he was with them in the other vehicle. I nodded, punching the information into my phone for the GPS, Mr. B peeling out of the parking lot.

"Now, what the hell is going on?" I turned in my seat to face Victor. He was pale, nervous. I clenched my fists to keep from punching anything else. The last thing we needed was to be driving around with a busted car window, or me with a broken hand.

"Yes, Mr. Morgan. Please update us as to the situation." Mr. B had shuttered his expressions, he wasn't letting anything slip, but the white knuckled grip on the wheel let me know he wasn't as controlled as he was letting on.

"I don't know much honestly. Sean let me and Luke know that it wasn't good with Sang and that she needed immediate medical attention an-"

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