Chapter 3

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Belle's P.O.V.

It's the second day of school, Rumple and I got in a fight on the bus, five girls were talking badly about us and already, even yesterday, teachers are asking me if I need to go to the nurse every ten minutes. I am so done right now. I swear that if I walk into first period and someone asks me if I am alright I am going to scream, I honestly won't mind if Anna, Cora or Maddie ask me because we are friends. I'm still debating my reaction if Alex, Drew, Mac or Kole ask me, though.

"Hey, Belle!" Anna called running towards me. We got along the best, mostly because we love most of the same books and we are always talking about Percy Jackson and Harry Potter and our favourite fairy tails. Her favourite is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and mine is Beauty and the Beast probably cause it is this world's version of Rumple and my story despite how much I hate him right now.

"Hey!" I replied as we hugged

"How are you feeling?" she asked pulling away not knowing how I would react to her asking since we had only met yesterday.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking Anna," I said smiling, "I am a bit tired though."

"First bell is going to ring in five minutes and I have to get to class early." She said giving me one more hug then pulling away, "see you in second period."

"See you there!" I called after her as she ran towards the large brick building.

Zelena, Regina, Robin, Cora and I all walked to Social Studies together which was my least favourite subject. I was so worried that the teacher was going to ask me how I was feeling I actually turned around and ran, thinking about all the things those five girls said about me on the bus and tears streaming down my face.

"Belle, wait!" I heard Zelena yell as she ran after me.

"No!" I yelled still running, "I want to go home!"

"Belle, please slow down," Zelena said panting, "if you want we can talk to the front desk and see if we can get you a ride home."

"You mean talk to the nurse," I said stopping with a disgusted look on my face.

"If you want to go home so badly that you are willing to run out of the building, then yes, you should go to the nurse," She said catching up to me and putting her hand on my shoulder.

"And what do I say?" I ask "Oh, hey, nurse. I'm six months pregnant and I just feel really stressed in my classes, do you think I could go home? And then she would ask me for my parent's number and then what do I do?"

"Oh... Just give her my cell number. I tell the teacher it's my mum and it's really important and drive you home."

"we took a bus."

"Regina and I used a tether spell and tied Storybrooke's magic to us."

"what about Rumple?"

"we didn't tie magic to him, but kind of like when he tied Storybrooke's magic to the Olympian crystal, how Regina, Rumple and Emma were able to use magic, Rumple may be able to. We will know if Emma uses magic while she is here."

"Well, that's reassuring," I replied

"You aren't getting the point," Zelena said annoyed, "I can use magic outside of Storybrooke wich means as long as you get the nurse to say you can leave I can use the magic from the clover necklace to turn into Merion, parent to be your mum and get you home."

"That's brilliant, but do you think you could turn into my actual mum?"

"we will find out, but I may only be able to become Merion."

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