Chapter 2

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Zelena's P.O.V.
I woke up this morning to the sound of Regina and Robin's alarm clock. I didn't sleep well last night so I was a little bit foggy and confused when I didn't see my darling baby girl anywhere and then I remembered I had to send her to New York with Hook and Emma.
I got out of bed and changed into a green dress, paired with a black belt and black boots that were a few inches below my knee. I walked into the Kitchen and Regina came out shortly after I did. She was wearing a black tee shirt dress, black flats and one of Robin's sweatshirts. Five minutes later Robin came out looking like an actual teenager wearing basketball shorts and a tee shirt that defined his muscles more than they needed to be.
"Did you guys plan this last night while I was asleep?" Robin asked looking Regina and I up and down.
"No. We didn't see each other's at all last night," I responded looking at Regina as she shook her head no.
"Sisterly sync I guess," Regina said looking her soulmate up and down "you certainly look like a teenager. Why don't you wear something more like you would in Storybrooke since a teenager could also wear that?"
"Cause I wasn't sure if you would tell me to change into this," he responded.
"I think you should go for your Storybrooke look since all you need to do is change your pants and put on a pair of hiking boots," I said assuringly
"Alright fine," he said as he walked back to his and Regina's room.
When he left the room I turned to Regina and looked her in the eye. I could tell she missed Henry and Roland and I started to cry.

"Zelena?" Regina said putting her hand on my shoulder, "are you ok?"

"Sorry sis, It's just I miss Robyn a lot and I can see in your eyes you feel the same way about Henry and Roland," I said sniffing.

"You know there is a way to fix that," Robin said coming out of his room with his usual Storybrooke outfit on.

"What do you mean?" Regina and I said in unison.

"We could send word to Emma with a cellular phone,"  he replied excitedly.

"Robin sweetheart its just called a phone," Regina corrected.

"Regina, do you think we could send a text to Emma?" I said looking at my sister and Robin.

"Of course we can!" She exclaimed happily, "although it might be a little bit awkward going to school with Henry."

"It's gonna be fine," Robin said as Regina took her phone out of her black and gold studded school bag.

"Could my baby girl stay with us?" I asked still sniffing.

"I think that would be fine," Robin said looking to Regina who nodded head looking at her phone as she texted Emma. 

"And send," Regina said looking up from her phone.

"It's time to get going," I said as I looked at the clock. I grabbed my green and black Vera Bradley school bag and my travel coffee mug and walked to the door. Regina grabbed her coffee, Robin grabbed his light brown school bag and a cereal bar. We walked out of the apartment and into the hallway. Robin and Regina holding hands and me trailing behind them next to Belle who was trying to avoid Rumple at all costs. Snow and Charming were already downstairs waiting for all of us when we got downstairs. We all grouped together and walked to the school bus stop where there were five other students waiting. The talked in their groups and we talked in ours. I overheard one of the girls in the other group say something about Belle and that really burned inside of me but I didn't say anything, I just looked at Belle who seemed to have heard it too, I walked over to her and gave her a hug and Rumple kind of just stared at us until a yellow bus came and picked us up. I sat with Belle and Snow, Regina sat with Robin, and David and Rumple sat together. The other five students sat right behind us in the very back row two on one side and three on the other, the continued to talk about us and didn't seem to show any care that Snow, Belle and I were in the seat right in front of them. 

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