Chapter One - Reality Changed

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Steph’s POV

So today had been a happy day. The janoskians had uploaded a new video today and I had already watched it 50 times. I couldn’t help but smile, they were so funny. They were leaving LA tonight so they would be here about lunch time tomorrow, just in time for Christmas. I lived in Melbourne so I was going to go to the airport and try and meet them. I had been to their concert but my parents never let me do anything usually, like go to the airport so I had never met them. I had recently got my provisional licence and I got my own car so I could drive myself and they said that’s alright.

I didn’t have many friends but I had my best friend Kahlia who was a janoskianator aswell. She didn’t have her licence yet so I offered to take her when we go to the airport and she was sleeping over tonight. We decided to have a Janoskians marathon so we could get even more excited for tomorrow. Jai was my favourite one of the group, I don’t know why he just really caught my eye. He was 18 and a half and I was almost 18. My birthday is next month on January 2nd, I was so keen to turn 18.

After watching every single janoskians video, we went to bed. I have sleep insomnia so I never get to sleep til late and I don’t get much sleep. We ended up getting to bed at 3:24am and woke up at 8:56am. We walked into the kitchen and had some breakfast. Mum had cooked us some Bacon and eggs. “You excited girls?” she asked us. “You kidding, I couldn’t sleep.. well less than usual” I laughed. “I’m keen as!!!” Kahlia told mum. We finished breakfast and went to get ready. Finally at 11am, we got in the car and I drove us to the airport. It was only half an hour away. We got there and parked the car. Kahlia had offered to chip in for parking… it was so expensive, plus I already paid for petrol. We walked inside and there was already about 50 other girls standing around waiting. There were two big doors that every person from every flight would come out of after going through customs and the Janoskians shouldn’t be too long as their flight landed 10 minutes ago. Each time the doors opened, we all died a little inside. Finally the doors opened and we saw 5 familiar figures walk through the doors and behind them followed Gina and Ronnie. Everyone screamed in excitement and a smile rose upon each of the boys faces.

The airport secutiry told us to go outside around the side of the airport where the buses go and we could have a little meet and greet. We rushed out there as fast as we could and lined up to meet them. First I went and saw James and got a photo with him and a hug, OMG wtf had I really just met James Yammouni. Next was Daniel and I asked for a cockatoo photo and a normal one and I got a hug aswell.. a hug from DANIEL FUCKING SAHYOUNE!!! I could hardly breathe, this was too much to take in. Next I was meeting Beau “Hey beau” I said. “Hey hows it goin?” he asked me. “Yeah good thanks can I please get a photo?” I asked him. What the fuck im having a conversation with beau brooks. “Yeah of course” he smiled and posed, popping a trace for the photo. “Thankyou!” I said. “You’re welcome” Beau said and gave me a hug. I walked over to Luke and got a photo with him and a hug, he was hilarious, always making jokes, god I loved him. Next was Jai.. my favourite and I was so nervous!! I waited for my turn and finally Jai said “Hey how are you?”like he said to everyone, but then something weird happened.. he stopped and looked at me.. just looked at me.. not saying anything. I smiled and laughed, “What?” I giggled, blushing. “I’m sorry but..” my heart skipped a beat, had I done something wrong.. shit. “You’re just so pretty!!” he told me. “Wow, I just. Only one person has ever given me butterflies until now… “ he told me, then he whispered in my ear “Wait til everyone leaves I want to talk to you?”he asked me. I was shocked and I looked up at him and just nodded my head and walked away through the crowd of Jealous teens giving me the dirtiest looks. I was even jealous of myself.. what the hell had just happened. Throughout the meet and greet Kahli and I had got separated but she was standing there when that just happened and she came running up behind me screaming “OMG what did he say?!” shaking my arm. “He told me t-to wait after and he w-wants to talk to me” I said nervously. “Do you think it’s a joke?” I asked. “A joke? No, you’re so lucky!! Maybe he wants to ask you on a date?” she winked smiling. “Uhmmm no” I said, “he would never, I actually still can’t believe he talked to me and called me pretty.. maybe he feels sorry for me?” I asked Kahlia. “Stop being stupid, he was legit being serious don’t be so hard on yourself!” she told me and shook me again “Woooo” she screamed which made me laugh.

We waited for everyone to leave when the boys climbed in the taxi. They climbed in the taxi… they were leaving…. Jai had forgotten. Now I felt like such an idiot waiting here for nothing.. for someone who I care the world about and he had forgotten me. I began to walk to the car when I heard someone calling “Wait!!! Stop!!” my heart stopped and I turned around to see Jai running towards me, slowing down, laughing. “That was my plan so people thought we were gone so I could just talk to you.. and your friend” he said smiling at Kahlia. “Hey” he said to her and she squeezed tighter on my arm. “So we haven’t properly met yet.. my name is Jai” he said holding out his hand “Hey, I’m Steph” I said, shaking his hand. “So do you live in Melbourne?” he asked me. “Um I live about half an hour away.. in St Kilda” I told him. “Oh yeah, I live in Glenroy not too far away” he told me. “I’m sorry but I just can’t believe I’m talking to you right now.. what made you want to talk to me?” I asked him. “Honestly.. I have only ever got butterflies over Ariana and I knew that my next girlfriend would have to be one that I got butterflies over. No other girl has given me butterflies but as soon as I saw you my stomach was filled with them, you are honestly beautiful!!” he told me. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Well hey I have to get going but give us your phone I’ll put my number in and you put yours in mine” he said putting in his passcode and handing me his phone, I did the same. My hands were trembling as I pressed my phone number digits into his phone and saved it. He gave me my phone back and he had named it “Jai <3” I laughed, “Nice.. love hearts. Take me out first” I laughed joking. “Alright.. how about tonight?” he asked me. “What?” my face dropped, then quickly picked up into a smile again. “I guess.. where?” I asked him. “I’ll text you” he said, before he placed his phone in the pocket of his jeans and leant in, giving me a hug. “I’ll see you tonight” he told me and then hugged Kahlia “Nice meeting you..?” he asked for her name awkwardly smiling. “Kahlia” she smiled “Nice meeting you Kahlia” he smiled at her. He walked away waving and we waved back.

We walked back to the car, me shaking and crying and Kahlia crying and screaming in excitement, us both in happiness. My dreams had just come true and Kahlia met the boys so hers had too. We were the two happiest girls in Melbourne at the moment.

Thoughts on this first chapter of this new Jai fanfic? xx

LifeSaver (A Jai Brooks Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora