Chapter 1. Just me

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Third person Pov.

"In other news. The Hero Healer has yet again helped out the Justice league, a lot of the justice league members were injured in their last mission, but The Hero Healer came just in time to help them out yet again. After she miraculously healed the injured heros she mysteriously vanished from the scene. But the question still remains who is this young hero who has been saving and healing the world for years and where did she come from?"

A young girl walked into the bar(and no this is not the start of a lame ass joke) it was a little bar, it wasn't so popular but this young girl always seems to come there at 12:00 Pm precisely. She knows the owner of the bar after all he was the one who has been raising her since she was 10 years old, his name is Adam Carlisle Baker he was her guardian yet she saw him as her big brother. She sat down in her usual seat and looked at the Tv screen and let out a long sigh.

"What's up Little flower, you ok?"

She looked at Adam and let out a little weak smile. He took a glass and poured up some somersby cider and glided it over to her.

"Yeah i guess i'm just tired, i didn't really get a good night sleep"

She answered and took a sip of the cider.

"It was that same nightmare again wasn't it?"

She let out another sigh

"Yeah... It just keeps coming back"

He looked at her and gave her a sad smile.

"How about i close the bar, since there no one but us here at the moment and then you and i go out and get some ice cream"

She looked up at him and gave him a real smile. She drank the rest of her somersby cider and stood up from the bar stool.

"Only if we get double chocolate"

He walked over and took his dark brown leather jacket and walked back to her and ruffled her hair.

"Haha you got yourself a deal"

As they walked out and he flipped the sign so instead of saying open it said closed and he locked the door and they went to get the double scoop chocolate ice cream.

? Pov

Hello so my name is Aria Hope Simmons but my big bro Adam calls me Little flower. I have long blond hair with a chocolate brown in the bottom and chocolate brown eyes. Adam is not my real brother by blood, he adopted me when i was 10 years old. It's been 7 years since then and i'm 17, i'll be 18 in 2 months so that's great i will be independent and i can live for myself, i have already chosen a apartment so now i'm just waiting to be the right age. But for now i'm living with Big bro Adam in his small two room apartment.

My real family... I don't know them, all i do know is that since i was born i have had these powers to heal anyone and anything altho as i grow older, my powers grew as well and when i was only 9 years old i raised a person from the dead, and the only ones who knows about my powers is Adam and my best friends there is Emi Yamauchi she is from Japan but she moved here with her mother and younger brother, she is very sweet and kind but also very very energetic.

The reason we meet was because of her mother you see she works at the orphanage that i grew up in so sometimes Emi would come with her to work and after a while we became friends.

And then there is Aaron and Adrian we grew up in the orphanage together and played with Emi as well and me and Aaron got in a lot of trouble together, and then there is his twin brother Adrian he's basically the total offisit of Aaron. Unlike Aaron, Adrian likes to sit inside and read a good book with some quit jazz music in the background, while Aaron likes to go out and party with loud music. I used to always compare them to Zack and Cody, from The suit life of Zack and Cody, they absolutely hate it.

Then last but not least there is Katelyn she practises martial arts, she's very cold but as soft as a teddy bear on the inside, she's always been a little overprotective of me, not that i mind but it can be really annoying when i'm on missions, but hey life would just not be the same with out any of them. They are my best friends, they are my family.

The "missions" as i put it, are about the hero healer but you've probably figured that out by now. Anyway my work outfit is basically a short sleeved white jumpsuit with a white corset around the stomach and white gloves that go from the elbow and down to the knuckles, my hair is sometimes free and sometimes tied in a lazy bun and of course there is my mask, it's a full face mask which is also white.... don't judge me i like white and no that's not meant to be racist in any way at all.

Anyway i started this little gig 4 years ago when i was 14 years old. I didn't have a mentor like the other new heros it was just me and with some help from my friends we figured out if the heros were in danger or hurt. Now you already know my powers but did you know i have wings...

You see the powers to heal anything and anyone i wish also came with the the white angel wings altho i can hide them when i'm in public so i don't stick out in a crowd. This whole hero thing actually just started with me and that i wanted to help out the heros, but then the media came and well they decided to give me a hero name, but they ended up with the name Hero Healer but i prefer the name Day Dream, but only the hero's knew that, after all if the media caught wind of the name there would be more on Tv about me then there already is. I have a good relationship with the Justice League i even got offered to join them but i declined, but i still heal them when they are way too hurt. Anyway that's basically all you need to know about me... for now.

Third person Pov.

There they were just a big brother and a little sister sitting on a park bench in the park enjoying a double scoop chocolate ice cream together in a warm afternoon never knowing what the future had in store for them...

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