Party Time!!!

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We step out of the house and go outside to see a limo and I just walk in has everyone is still standing there frozen, " You guys are acting like you've never seen a limo hop in!" I said,  Savaahna was first to get in she sat 2 seats down from me and then Joey came in and sat in between us. Then Kale came in and sat next to me , I was wondering why every boy sat next to there roommate then I realized the stupid dare we made. Then Bianca and Cohen came in holding hands " You guys don't have to act all coupley till we get there." Said Savaahna, I saw Cohen trying to pull his hand away from Bianca but she wouldn't let go. Then Isaac and Stella came in and awkwardly sat next to each other then last was Ella and Evan just standing there in amazement. I stuck my head out the window and yelled " Get in Love birds " and then they quickly got out of there amazement and got in the limo and we drove away to our first Hollywood party. Everyone was talking about something but I totally zoned them out and started thinking what if everyone gets extremely drunk tonight? What if our dates have to undress us? Ew omg why would I even be thinking that? And before I knew it Kale was shaking me out of my thoughts saying " We're here!" Everyone walked out of the limo and on to the red carpet me and Kale were surrounded by paparazzi and it was mostly because of me I looked over at the rest of our squad and then we're always getting photos flashed at them, you see our squad, we are all actors and the reason we don't go to parties is because none of us know how to deal with the paparazzi but I went along with everyone else and answered the paparazzi's questions and smiled for the camera. We finally made it over to the actual party and I saw Ella and Stella dragged their dates to the candy table, Kale asked me " Wanna get a drink" and I nodded not sure what else to do.  We were all legally aloud to drink and I told the waiter to surprise me and Kale got this weird type of beer , I stole it from him and took a sip and I think puke came up in my mouth " that's terrible how to you like that?" I said he shrugged and said " Different taste buds?" And the waiter handed me my drink and it looked really good it had a cherries on a play sword with sugar around the tip of the glass. I took a sip and Kale stole it from me and took a sip his eyes widen because it was so good and I laughed. We went over to Savaahna and Joey and started dancing with them currently the wobble was on and I can say I'm pretty good at the wobble when I was little at our cheer competitions for the awards they would play a variety of songs and wobble was my favorite, still is. The song ended and we all were sweaty and Joey said to me " I didn't know you could dance like that" That made me laugh and I said " Hey years of experience " and Savaahna grabbed Joey by the hand and dragged him to the bar I noticed that there was a strippers pole but luckily no one was on it and someone was passing around shots and I grabbed 2 and swallowed in seconds. I was shocked by the after feeling and I got a little dizzy and quickly got my balance back before I knew it we were heading back home and all the girls were to drunk to even stand up by there self and were leaning against their date Kale threw me over his shoulder and the other boys copied and threw their dates over their shoulder and carried them over their shoulder and into their room. Kale threw his shirt off and I starred at his abs they were nice and I texted Savaahna " What is Joey doing rn?" She replied with " Changing and I'm waiting to take a shower" I replied with " wait till the morning" And I put my phone down in the bed and since Kale is hogging the bathroom I turn around and change toward my dresser and then I forget that my pajamas are hanging up and I hear the bathroom door open and I'm standing there with no bra, UGHHH I grab a t-shirt but I was to late and still putting it on and Kale comes out has I'm still putting the t-shirt on.
And I turn around and I hear Kale say " Having trouble there?" And I feel his arm rub against my naked back pulling the shirt down, I grab my phone and hurry to the closet , I go to the group chat and text the girls " I think Kale saw my top half" and I slip my pajamas on I was wearing a cheer shirt from high school and really short shorts and I walk out with my phone buzzing I look down to see the girls freaking out and I lay down and plug my phone in and from being so tired I easily dose off.
Just to make this clear the whole story is in Haleys P.O.V if it's someone's else's P.O.V I'll tell you
Soo sorry this chapter is so short well almost 1,000 but eeh
What do you think there going to do tomorrow?
xoxo- Haley 💋

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