I'm Sorry

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"I'm sorry, but I cannot love you the same way I loved him. I cannot think of you every second of the day. I do not have trouble sleeping from thinking about you. I do not feel the need to brag about the cute and beautiful things you do for me. But don't get me wrong, my heart skips a beat for you. I do smile when I think of your voice. I am addicted to your scent.

But I'm sorry. I just cannot love you the same way I loved him. Because every time I think of him, my heart breaks and my stomach drops. I am to scared to love you. I am scared of laying in bed, sobbing, and feeling the great pain of my body when I learned that he didn't love me anymore. I am terrified of being to dependent, just to end up being more alone then what I started with.

I am in love with you.

But I'm sorry, it's just not the same as I once felt for him."

- 2ndsong

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