chapter I

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And whats your name?! I said whats your name?! The class teacher yelled, jul..juliet ma'am i have one name just like a dog, huh?! She added,  my conscious had all these stupid answers but i knew i had to let that comment pass because i wasnt about to get expelled on my first day.... I swear the day couldnt get any worse. I had always imagined my first day at lohana in a clearly different way than what i had gone through.... And to add more pain to the injury, i didnt have any friends yet. I sat quietly the whole day, everyone else had their own friends except me... i begged to the gods to give me the patience to withstand five more hours before the bell goes at 5:pm..

How was it?!...i mean the school, did you like it?! Mother asked as we drove back home in our mini-van..."hmm, umm it was epic.. i guess",tell me the truth now she demanded as she packed the car infront of the house, she was always the kind of up-tight person who demanded for a straight up answer, it made her nosey sometimes... i hate the school, i bluttered out, mum i really really hate the school, i hate everyone there, i hate the short girl who keeps staring at me, i hate the class teacher, i hate the brown girl who draws everyones attention by her complextion, i hate the meals and i even hate the trees and the air they breathe there...i miss my friends, i even miss allen.. Allen wasnt one of my favorite people back at my former school but at that moment, i felt so empty without her...i couldnt hold the tears back...

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