Chapter XIX: Pranks and Paybacks

Start from the beginning

"Dare I assume you know the plan to the very last detail?" I questioned.


"Everything has been kept in the correct places, and all of you are ready to take your positions?"


"Well then," I cracked a grin, "have a good time and make me proud!"

They burst out laughing, careful to keep their voices low.

"I cannot believe you initiated this, Jules," Carl joked, shaking his head, "Camille, are you certain that this is the real Lady Knight?"

"Aye," Camille laughed, "you should have seen her face when she suggested this idea at the Ball that day."

"How was it like?" Joseph leaned forward, intrigued.

"Absolutely...evil," she paused for dramatic effect, "like a true troublemaker. She may make Anna proud yet."

"If you have finished discussing about me right before me," I rolled my eyes, "let us begin."

"Your Royal Highness, wake up!" Joseph whispered suddenly, "it is time!"

The Prince jerked awake from his rather awkward position. He had apparently dozed off on Joseph's shoulder, who was half a head shorter than he was. He looked around at us blearily, his eyes unfocused.

By God, his sluggishness could cause the whole plan to fail! Timing was essential in such schemes.

"Your Royal Highness," I tilted my head, raising my eyebrow, "you may return to bed if you wish. No one is forcing you to stay." I stared straight at him, challenging him to agree with my words.

The ruse worked. The Prince was a stubborn man by nature.

"Nay, I am here out of my own accord," he answered stiffly, "I will stay."

Everyone sniggered under their breaths, as I turned to Joseph. "You know what to do," I nodded, "the tea tray is by the vase table opposite Andrew's bedchamber. Leave before the tea becomes cold."

"Aye, my Lady Knight," he saluted.

"Operation Fireball has begun," the Prince smirked, tossing an amused glance in my direction.

I glared at him, infuriated. He had insisted on naming the operation in return for the favour he was doing me by helping me with this.

Although, it was hardly a favour. He stood to gain from this as much as I did, if not more.

"All the best, everyone," Joseph chuckled.

Whispers of best wishes from the others followed his words, as he hurried off silently towards Andrew's bedchamber.

"All of you better take your places as well," I smiled slightly, "I cannot believe I am saying this, but it is payback time."


Lord Joseph of Rortaine: Operation Fireball, Phase 1

"Brother-mine?" I tapped gently on my brother's shoulder, adopting an overly subservient tone, "it is dawn. Here is your mint-honey tea."

I hated doing this. However, I had been forced to do so every morning since that day - that fateful, hateful, horrible day when Andrew had discovered that I was learning steed fighting at the Corporals' training centre in Rortaine, without Anna's knowledge.

It was such an interesting sport, but Anna was of the opinion that it was too dangerous. At first, I had only wanted to try it, but I grew to love it very much.

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