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Nothing about my life was panning out the way I had planned- naively and ignorantly planned. An abortion down the line, owing my sister a large sum of money that I desperately needed and had no means of getting on my own and pursuing a degree I know nothing about, I can accurately conclude that my life was in the pig's-pen. How on earth did I go from a young individual with plenty of opportunity to someone who scarcely resembles my old self? What are morals, values, a good heart if all it does is leave you crying at midnight, hogged over a laptop, wondering if all this pain is truly worth it while looking in from the out-circles as those who choose not to burden themselves with all these 'fundamental' teachings, live large, glamorous lives?

How did I get here? Is there truly a way to ever get out of this pit I dug myself? I have no idea the answers to any of these and to be fully honest with myself, I am not looking forward in the least to finding them out.


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