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There's a cliff hanger so I'll update again soon. Ok luv you bye.
"Santo!" Jacob cried out as he hit his peak. I continued to thrust inside of him. A few minutes later I grunted and came inside of me.

We laid there for a few minutes trying to catch our breaths. He rolled over onto his side and laid his head on my chest.

"You alright?" I ask, lifting my head up.

"Yeah, I'm good." Jacob answers. "Are you okay? I'm not saying it wasn't good, but you were rougher than usual."

I sighed. I was alright, just a little stressed. Yesterday, I had to fire a couple of employees from my business. A couple of clients had complained about them and demanded I fire them. I was feeling bad because, these people had families they needed to provide for and now they had to wonder how they were going to do that.

"Just something to do with work." I answered.

"You wanna talk about it?" Jacob asked, sitting up in the bed.

"No, I'm alright. Although, I am kind of worried about how Elijah and the girls are doing." I replied.

Elijah took the girls out for ice cream and so that he could tell them about him leaving. I honestly didn't know how they would take it. But I didn't want them to get used to people coming and going out of their lives.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine. Elijah's work is done here, anyway." Jacob said. He gets up and makes his way to our closet. A few moments later, he re-emerges with a towel and wash rag.

"Green is not a good color on you, babe." I say. Jacob looks over at me with a look.

"The fuck? I am not jealous of him." Jacob said, while putting his hair up into a tight bun on his head. "I have you and always will. What was his sex like?"

I gulped and shook my head. I was not going to touch that conversation with a ten-foot pole.

"I don't even remember, baby." I say.

"Good answer." Jacob says then makes his way into the bathroom. Moments later, I hear the shower running.

!Bleep! !Bloop!

I looked over as I heard Jacob's iPhone 6s ring. I could see it vibrating and lighting up on the dresser. I get out of bed and make my way towards it.


Hey. You ok?

I frowned in confusion. I didn't recognize this number. The only numbers, I thought Jacob had in his phone was mine, his parents, the girls' school number and Elijah's. (For emergency reasons.) I looked towards the bathroom towards and heard Jacob singing in the shower. Before he went in, he grabbed a new bottle of shampoo and conditioner so, I know he'll be in there for a while.

I pressed the home button and typed in 0000. To my surprise, the phone buzzed and didn't unlock.

Jacob knew the passcode to my phone and I thought I knew the password to his. Why would he change it?

I quickly go through some of the possible number combinations that could be his passcode. His birthday, the girl's birthday, his birthday.

I had one more try before it disabled me. So I tried, CJ's birthday.


Jacob's phone opened and went straight into his messages. I scrolled up to the top to read his conversation.


Mon, Nov 7, 10:43 AM

Unknown: Don't get mad, but I had to get into contact with you. Answer me please.

Jacob: stop ray its over. im done with that part of my life

Unknown: I know you are. But we were friends before everything, right?

Jacob: i have my girls to think about. if chresanto knew I was even texting you he would kill me

Unknown: I love you, Jacob. I know you loved me too. And fuck him! You were happy and just came and bought you for 5000 dollars.

Jacob: i loved what you could give me. all that matters is my girls and chresanto

Unknown: Just let me see you. We didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Atleast give me that.

Jacob: No ray goodnight!

Nov 12, 12:09 AM

Unknown: Jacob answer me please!

Unknown: You loved me too, don't even try to lie.

Nov 19, 5:42 PM

Unknown: I gave you what, Chresanto didn't.

Unknown: You can't be truly happy be with him.

And it went on and on, with him trying to get Jacob's attention for weeks. Until he finally answered.

Unknown: I know you. Inside and out. You've told me things you'd never tell him. How you feel like you have to be perfect for him. How you can't be yourself around him. Come on I just wanna talk?

Jacob: just talk and i mean it ray.i wont meet up we can text

Unknown: I'm fine with that. How ya been?

Jacob: bout to go meet my parents. im scared, haven't seen them in two years.

Unknown: Want something to calm your nerves?

Jacob: i don't do that stuff anymore ray

Unknown: Just a little something. You're a pro. You can handle it. Come on, baby

Jacob: nothing too hard, ok? just to calm my nerves, yeah?

Unknown: Ok, see ya at the old spot in 20 minutes?

Unknown: ill be there.

Jacob's been in contact with Ray.

He did drugs again.

I heard the door to the bathroom open.     "What are you doing on my phone?"
Ok. Woooh! I don't even know what about to happen 😂😂😂

if you guys are ever looking for some really good mb books to read, make sure you check out -sweeter  and qweelos books! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

They write the best mb books ever especially -sweeter series 'family ties' and qweelos book euphoria series


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