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It was the 13th of October. Luke knew the day exactly. It was the day where he was assigned to meet Michael Clifford. Who this man is? Well, you probably don't know him under his real name but you might heard of the Joker before. The Joker, Gotham City's maddest villain of all. He was crazy. He sacrifices everything by killing people. Like said, he was crazy and Luke, back then known as Lucas Robert Hemmings was assigned to study his nature. Why he? Well, he came fresh from college and was now in the business for a year. And he's one of the best psychologists. Maybe even the best. Only twenty-four years old but so smart. He was well known, had no enemies until that day.

People can change people and in that case, the Joker changed Luke a lot. Who ever thought a psychologist, who knew what was right would fall in love with the Joker, the maddest person of them all?

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okay, so here we go. hope you already like the story. just to make clear, this is an au version to the movie suicide squad. i imagine Michael as Joker and Luke is going to be Harley Quinn. it will have some parallels to the movie but i just write the story like i want. If you like it then comment and vote and whatever you can do here. thank you and i love you <3

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