Chapter 2

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The mission was going to start tomorrow at noon. Two thirty. Not too early, not too late.
The mission.
"Oh dear God," I murmured under my breath. My voice came out shaky and nervous. Why did I ever join this camp? Why am I so good at navigating and so suspicious that I had to get chosen for the hellish job?
The leader of our group suddenly slammed his fist on a large mahogany desk I hadn't even noticed.
"Tomorrow you all will follow my instructions and not wander off. If you do there will be consequences." His rough voice sounded positively truthful and every member of our gang was hanging onto his every word."One of them being getting permanently excluded from the camp." Everyone gasped.
The leader then gave us more instructions then sent us up to bed like he was my dad.
I stripped off and pulled on black pyjamas. Walking into the black and white tiled bathroom, I pulled my purple-dyed hair into an impossibly high ponytail. I gurgled mouthwash, spit it into the sink, and returned to my room that I shared with the rest of the group.
On the way I heard someone breathing heavily and I turned to spot two girls- twins-sitting on the end of a bed. I stalked over to them and offered my hand. They didn't shake.
"You nervous?"I asked.
One of the girl looked up at me and smiled.
"What do you think? Yes." She said. " I'm Cecily, by the way. This is my twin sister Jasmine. She's too scared she hasn't looked up from her lap for ages."
I didn't really know what to say so I just chewed away at my lip. Finally, one word came to mind.
"Team?"I asked unsurely.
For the first time Jasmine looked up from her legs.
"Obviously." She said. Cecily nodded in agreement.
"Oh good." I said. "Night."
I walked off to my bed and fell asleep in silent, nervous hysterics.

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