The attack

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I was awoken with a start to the sound of sirens suggesting that there was a lockdown taking place. Still tied down I waited calmly knowing that it may just be a drill. My heart jumped to my throat when the door crashed open and a panicked Bruce Banner flew in.

My bounds undid and he took me by the hand.
"I'm really sorry, but we have to go right now". He guided me out of the cell and we scuttled up the corridor.
"What's going on, is it a drill?".
"We're under attack. We think it's HYDRA". I'd been taught about them from S.H.I.E.L.D officials, I knew they weren't to be messed with.
"Why what do they want?".
"I don't mean to scare you, but we think they want her".
We began ascending up a staircase.
"Why, why do they want me? I mean her?!".
"We've no idea but they hacked our systems and we know that they've been searching all of our holding cells. You're the only one we're holding here, they must be after you. I'm so sorry".
"Bruce, you know I'm better at controlling her now".
"Yes unless, they control you. I'm sorry Jade, we didn't tell you before, but we're pretty certain that you were trained by HYDRA".
"How? I don't remember ever being in contact with any organisation remotely like those people?!".
"Except, you told me about the relationship you had with your parents".
"Wait, what? Are you accusing my parents of being HYDRA agents?".
"We... We don't know. But look they never contacted us, they never asked for you back. See most parents would worry about their children, there would be a media storm Jade. But with your parents, nothing!".

We finally reached a safe room that is always been taught to go to if we were under attack. Bruce went to the wall where there was a code which manually closes the doors. I wasn't paying enough attention. A figure dressed in black with a mask over his head appeared in the doorway.
"Bruce LOOKOUT!" I screamed. But it was too late, the figure walked to him and shot him point blank.
"NOO!!" I screamed, tears flowing down my cheeks. I was in complete shock but my body went into sudden attack mode. I might not be her at this moment in time but I've taken fighting training. I aimed to disarm him and force him to the ground but another figure slipped out of the shadows and put me into an armlock first. They forced me to the ground, I knew what was coming. They want "her". The figure with the gun brought it down onto my head hard and the sirens slowly faded.

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