I Trapped Inside

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Because he was Rome. And he was the Emperor among Nations.

It was, therefore, unacceptable that such upstarts were invading on his territory, though it was not actually his.

Since spotting the incoming ships and the inevitable Nations aboard those ships, Rome had grumblingly taken his charge and expertly maneuvered around the intruders. He took care not to get caught or let America be seen (because he was still unbelievably invisible), and when she asked what was going on or why he was doing all this, he answered vaguely.

Soon, he wouldn’t be able to keep doing that.

Oh, Rome knew that America would soon become impatient and would eventually do something to try to find things out on her own. She was young and impulsivity was common in the young. It had been a common trait with Italy and Romano.

However, it helped to buy him time and try to find a favorable solution to his problem that cropped up. He was neither fully whole, it seemed, so he could not just pop out and simply force the others into submission. It seems that he would just have to then steer America towards the Nation that would benefit him (and her) and their situation the most.

Perhaps…he’d have to look in on the Nations and decide the best one, but for now his thoughts lingered on a few Nations. He’d prefer a more docile one, therefore one that would be the most malleable to America and which meant himself.

He took time to do reconnaissance, studying the Nations that had arrived and would be the best candidate to not ruin his plans. Mildly, his thoughts went to France, who he saw had grown in the time he’d been gone. The eccentric Nation was a fool, highly self-absorbed, and yet also wasn’t too bad a power Nation. The resources and power was there, and he and America could wield such things much better than France ever could.

Finland was also a good choice, if only because of how meek the Nation was. Then again, he wasn’t as large or powerful of a Nation as France was, and there was that annoying Sweden to think of. He was also tempted to try a more obvious Germanic Nation, if only because his anger and bitterness clouded his head and screamed at him to use this opportunity to seek revenge.

He was still somewhat sore at the missed opportunity to take some form of revenge against Germania, by attacking that Leif Erikson some centuries ago. It wasn’t even restraint that kept him back, but this pitiful semi-incorporeal state he seemed to be stuck in.

There was also that Spaniard…He was on par with France, and had actually been the first to come to the Americas, aside from Erikson (who was only human and didn’t really count, as Spain arrived with the Italian Columbus and had actually spread the awareness of America’s lands to the others). Spain had reached closer to the south of America’s lands though, where he understood that America had relinquished control over to some other Nation that he didn’t fully know or fully understood the situation. Neither of them had been to the south for a while though, so they hadn’t known that until it was after the fact and too late –and all Nations had come to get their grubby hands on his protégée.

Still, this would be a good time to further observe the others and make a concrete decision. Then he could tell America and she would approach his choice, and soon enough things would fall into place.

Keeping to that course of action, he decidedly went after the Nations to look and see before making a firmer choice in who could be the greatest asset to them and have guardianship over America.

They were actually a rather pathetic lot.

France, older now, was as youthful and perverted as ever. And then there was England, whose flag was the one he had sort of (but not really) recognized. His head tilted to the side and he watched the blond with thick eyebrows shout at the Frenchman.

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