Chapter 15

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Sorry it's been longer than usual! haven't had time :/

Oh well... Enjoy xxx

This chapter is basically Anna being a good sister and sorting shit out...

Anna ran over to Dean’s house and found the door was unlocked. She had been here once before and cautiously pushed the door to Dean’s bedroom open. As expected she found Dean in a similar state that she had just left her brother in. She knelt down beside him and he turned his head slowly to face her.

“Come to finish me off?”

“No come to fix you up actually.”

Dean let out a sarcastic laugh. “No point. He hates me.”

“Dean look me in the eyes and tell me you did not kill my parents.”

Dean turned and looked Anna dead in the eyes. “Anna. My name is Dean Winchester. The only things I love in this world are Sam and Cas and I swear on my life that I did not kill anyone.”

Anna nodded. “That’s what I believe. Now we just need to prove it to Castiel.”

Dean felt a sudden spark of hope at Anna’s help. Dean had hardly spoken to her yet from what she heard she trusts him enough to help him. Even after what she just heard from Cas.

“I won’t lie to you. I was a trainee around the time your parents were killed and I was asked to kill them but I could never do that. I have never and will never kill anyone. I couldn’t do it Anna. I couldn’t kill your parents. Not after losing my own mother.”

Anna nodded that she understood.

“He framed me. I made him look like an idiot when I declined his challenge and now he wants revenge and it looks like he got what he wants.”

“Who? Who is the ring leader of this whole shit storm?”

“In the bin. There is a ball of paper. Take it and flatten it out.”

Anna did as she was told.

“Who’s Adam?”

“Jo’s boyfriend.”

"Oh... that Adam..." Anna hung her head, “Oh god this is all one huge mess.”

Dean nodded grimly and Anna took his hands in hers.

“Dean. Go to sleep. I am going to go and sort this out. Do not open the door to anyone. Not Cas, Not Sam, No one. Except me, you have to open the door for me if you want anything to get sorted out.”

Anna helped Dean onto the bed and laid his head down carefully on the pillow. She brushed the hair out of Dean’s face and he smiled.

“Thanks Anna.”

“Dean I am not going to let my little brother’s only stable relationship fall apart in this way. Not a freaking chance.”

Anna let go of Dean’s hand and left.


Anna came running back in to the room.

“Take this... I think it will come in useful. It’s Adam’s. He used it to frame me.”

 Dean pulled the silver chain from his pocket and handed it to Anna. Anna nodded and left without another word.

Jo was shocked to see Anna burst into the café shouting her name.

“Anna calm down. What’s wrong?”

“Joanna, we need to talk about your boyfriend.”

Jo raised her eyebrows in surprise.

“And not here.”

“Anna I’m on shift can we do this later?”

“Honestly I would love to never have to do this but it really can’t wait.”

Jo sighed and they walked to Jo’s room.

“Jo have you ever seen this chain before?” Anna held up the silver chain.

“Of course! It’s Adam’s! He lost it yesterday. Where did you find it?”

“That’s what he told you. Jo, Adam didn’t lose this. He posted it to Dean. He used this to frame Dean for a murder.”

Jo froze.

“Why would you say this? You are lying.”

“Jo I’m not. Adam is not the cute, nerdy guy you might believe him to be. He is the leader of a gang called the Demons. A few months ago he killed two people. Two people whom I happen to know particularly well and now he has framed Dean for this unforgivable crime and Cas is practically dead. Jo I’m not saying you have made a mistake I’m just saying your boyfriend is a psychopath.”

Jo sat in silence. Anna saw her eyes cloud over in betrayal and then anger.

“Prove it.”

Anna pulled out the note Dean had showed her.

“Why would he- I don’t understand- Why do I get hurt?”

Anna pulled Jo to her chest as the blonde girl broke down.

“You know you’re the third person who’s broken down in my arms in the space of 20 minutes.” Anna rocked Jo back and forth in an attempt to comfort her.

Jo wiped her eyes and laughed.

“Thanks ‘mother’”

“I am going to have to hand Adam in. I hope you understand that.”

Jo nodded. “I’m not exactly keen on dating a murderer anyway. It’s going to take a while before I’m over him but he lied to me as well so I guess it’s just not meant to be.”

Anna gave Jo a hug.

“Thanks for telling me though Anna.”

“I think we need a girly night what do you think?”

“Is that what you’re supposed to do when you get your heart broken?”

“Yep. Ice cream and movies. Although, no romantic movies. My vote is on attractive superhero movies?”

Jo nodded and fixed her hair in the mirror, “Back to work then.”

Anna shot her a sympathetic smile. “I’ll help you.”

The two of them walked back to the shop. Jo was grateful for Anna’s help and managed to keep a smile on her face throughout the day.

Michael walked into the house and spotted the door to Cas’ door was open. Confused he went to take a look. He was surprised to see his brother lying on his bed on his back staring at the ceiling. Cas’ cheeks were wet with tears and Michael noticed there were bandages around his brother’s hands.


Cas said nothing as Michael walked over and sat on the bed.

“What are you doing back here?”

Cas’ eyes moved from the ceiling to meet his older brother’s. Michael expecting to be met with Castiel’s angry, blue eyes was shocked to see Cas’ eyes were grey and sad.

“Oh god Castiel what happened?”

“Ask Anna.” Cas whispered and then went back to staring at the ceiling. Michael left the room without another word. 

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