Chapter 2

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This chapter is dedicated to Cynthia for making my fantastic cover! What would I do without you? ;)

now read on...

introducing dean!

Dean sat on a chair in front of his house. He hated it here. He didn’t want to leave Kansas but who was he to argue with his dad? It would be good for Sammy though. New school where they didn’t know Dean. Sam had always been judged on the crap Dean had pulled so after his mum died, Dean had made to decision to pull out of school for Sammy’s sake. Their dad, John, had never really supported the family very well anyway so he didn’t care about Dean dropping out. After Mary’s death John got so drunk he didn’t even notice Dean most of the time. It had been a house fire. A gas leak. One simple mistake can cost you so much.



“Dean! Wake your brother! Get out of the house now!”

Dean jumped out of bed the second John woke him. He ran to Sam’s room and saw smoke billowing through the cracks of the kitchen door.

“SAM! Sammy! Get up! We gotta go now!” Dean dragged Sam out of bed and ran through down the stairs. Going through the front door would mean going through a huge cloud of smoke. Dean turned around and ran through the back door.

John followed a few minutes later.

“Where’s mum?”

“I couldn’t save her Dean.”


Dean started running back to the house.

“No Dean.” John grabbed Dean around his waist holding him back.

“No. Mum” Dean stared at the burning house in defeat.

John pulled Sam and Dean to his chest and held them.

“It’s going to be ok boys.”


But it wasn’t ok. He had been 16 and it was not ok. Dean’s grades plummeted as he stopped giving a damn about school, Sam was bullied because of his failure of a brother, John stayed out all night and came home drunk if he did come home. Dean got a part time job when he turned 17 and tried to keep Sammy healthy. It was hard and eventually, 2 years after the accident, they decided to leave Kansas. Pretty much since that night Dean had blocked himself out from the world and just focused on keeping Sam happy. He didn’t need people to talk to because he didn’t want to talk so he just locked all his emotions away.

Cas walked back up the hill. He stopped in front of their neighbour’s house. He saw a boy sitting in a chair on the front lawn on his phone. Cas took a deep breath and walked up to him.

“Hey, I’m Castiel I live next door.”

The boy didn’t look up. Cas looked at his feet. He wasn’t good at this kind of thing and this boy was making it harder than it already was. He tried again.

“I have been told to be social... I’m guessing you probably met the rest of my family this morning as well.”

The boy looked up from his phone and fixed Cas with a stare. Cas quickly looked down again embarrassed.

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