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 I was locked in, unable to get out

I pulled at the door knob and I began to shout

Frightened, a touch perplexed, I tried to remember last night's events

None of which made any logical sense

A party, champagne and Beluga caviar

A full moon, a twinkling star

I wandered out onto the terrace to enjoy the view

When suddenly I heard a man whisper, 'don't shout', my gun is pointing at you

His voice sounded familiar

As he whispered into my ear

‘Walk towards your husband’s study’

I moved in a daze, my mind was fuzzy

I moved with grace

No emotion visible on my face

I unlocked the door of the study and walked in

The gun was tilting beneath my chin

I was told what to write on our letter head

He forced me to leave it in an envelope by our bed

Minutes later he pushed me into a waiting car

Then drove to a helipad not far

In the chopper, I saw another woman who I knew

She had been kidnapped too

We landed in a foreign country

The language they spoke was strange to me

I was really scared, petrified as can be

We were given some food twice a day

I wasn’t hungry, I wanted to get away

The lady with me was in no position to talk

She was very ill and could barely walk

Here I experienced unspoken horrors of which only I can speak

They lasted for about a week

Rape came in many a size and shape

There was no point in attempting to escape

There came a day when I was dragged by my hair

I left behind traces of my blood here and there

Nobody spoke, nothing was said

My poor head felt like lead

The other lady was lead away

I was in no position to have my say

They put chains around my feet and led me on to a boat

They found my body when it began to float.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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