A "Happy" Day

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     Mornings. Ugh.

     My alarm went off at 6:15 A.M., and I just couldn't get up. I was up all night thinking about James and his bright blue eyes. Somehow I also couldn't stop thinking of the day before when we just stared at each other in History. Smiling. 

     I got up, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. I have a mirror in my room that I look at everyday, making sure I looked good. But today, I tried to look extra adorable for you know who... James. I put on bright red lipstick, and shiny pink blush, but I still didn't want to draw to much attention to myself. I never eat breakfast even though people say it's "the most important meal of the day." I just don't believe that. I never eat breakfast but I am still pretty healthy. 

     I don't get dropped off at school by my parents because they are to busy at work. I actually never really get to see them. My teachers at school always ask me why my parents and I are never at the conferences, and I just tell them that my parents were just "busy". I was always to embarrassed to tell anyone about my parents and how I never get to really see them.

     I got to the bus stop, about two blocks away from my house, and theirs always this grumpy old bus driver, just sitting there with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. Of course the bus was always filled with smoke and it smelled like it too. It's even worse at the end of the day because there are so many kids on the bus, and so many of them take gym. So theirs always smoke and sweaty body's on the bus. 


     I got to the school and everyone ran out of the bus. I'm usually the last one off the bus because I don't want to get trampled. I've actually fell asleep a couple of times on the bus before. The bus driver, Ms. Hammel, always yelled at me and she threatened me that if I don't get off the bus, then I would get "detention". That never happened though. So, after everyone left, I slowly got off the bus and headed to the school. I'm not surprised that some of the kids were laughing at me for what happened with me and my locker yesterday. So I just ignored them, went inside the school and headed for my locker. 

     I was surprised when I actually got my locker open on my first try. I saw from the corner of my eye, Ms. Debra, looking at me and just waiting for me to start having troubles with my locker. When I got my locker open, Ms. Debra looked surprised, but just ended up walking away to two kids in a fist fight. I've never actually got to see a real fist fight, but this was actually pretty entertaining. The fight was between two girls, swearing and slapping each other, until the fist fight started. I guess those girls won't be friends anymore...

     I was walking to my first class, when I saw James running past me to get to his friends. His friends, though, weren't as nearly as cute as him. I bet he get's a lot of girls. I wouldn't be surprised if he already had about 200 girlfriends by now. 


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