chapter one

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Hi I am kaeyln grant and am 19years old and I have black hair and blue eyes. I live a very stressful and uninteresting life with my abusive dad he abuse me because he say I killed my mom which I believe because she died giving birth to me the only person that knows knows about this is my best friend sapphire who keeps telling me to get away from him but I can't because no matter how much he abuses me I still love him.

"Kaeyln where is my breakfast! "Oh oh he is awake I made my way down stairs  and into the kitchen to see my dad with a bottle of vodka in his hands. "It's right here dad"I saidnas I took it out the fridge placing it in front of him.  He started to est when he suddenly spitted it out and got up and came over to me I started taking steps back when he slapped me across the face it hurts like a bitch "you can't even make some eggs without ruining it you no good slut!!! "I kept my mouth shut trying not to upset him but that only made it worst. He started kicking and punching me in my face until he got a call and had to leave "I am not finish with you "he said with venom and just like that he left. I got up and limped to my room and took a cold shower and got ready for school. (Outfit up top)


as I walked into school it was the same as usually popular kids kissing thief boyfriends/girlfriends, nerds reading etc, I countined my journey to my locker as I made it around the corner I heard my loud ass best friends mouth "kaeyln sup my homie! "I just shook my head while saying "hey sapphire good to see you too" I don't even know how we became friends but you know the saying opposite attract. We were just going along to class chatting until I bumped into someone then the pain kicked in and she got so worried yet again I told her what my dad did

"You need to go to the cops kaeyln you are getting hurt more and more everyday"sapphire said to me

"I can't sapp he is my dad I don't wanna see him behind bars "

"Well its the right thing to do!! " we continued arguing back and fourth until the bell rung

                            After school and work

as I made my way inside my house I could see my dad asleep with a bottle of beer In his hands with a lot of other sourronding him, he has been like his even since unturned 16 he stopped caring and turned to drinking . I went into the kitchen to make dinner for him before he wakes up ,I started making chicken Alfredo when I was finished I heard my dad getting up he made his way into the kitchen and sat at the island while I placed a plate in front of him

"I have good news I have sold you to a gangleader that I owed some money so go pack your stuff he will be here soon"

"W-what "I stutters out as in stood there speechless not believing what I just heard my eyes started to water because it hurts to know your own dad sold you to some stranger

"That's good as long as I get the chance to get away from you abusive son of a bitch!!! " those words left my mouth before I had the chance to think,  I walked away leaving him dumbfounded in my head I was freaking out did I just do that it was awesome. I packed my suitcases and looked at my now empty room it good to be leaving this hell house .I took out my iphone and texted sapphire.

"Hey sapphire i have bad news for yay"

"What is it, it can't be that bad"

"Actually it is my dad sold me to pay of his depts"

"Oh he'll nH you ain't leaving me bitch". There was a knock at the door so I quickly told her goodbye, I went downstairs and OH MY SEXY JESUS the things I would do to with that body. I quickly shook my head to get rid of those bad thoughts but believe me he is a sexy Greek God.

"Hey princess"oh my God that voice and did he just call me princess omg. "H-hey I stutters out while blushing . Break now he is gonna think am stupid. He just chuckled and grabed my suitcase saying let's go. I took my time walking behind him he has a great ass he chuckled "thanks" "did I just say that out loud" "yes you did"  crap I  did it again. We got to the car before me drove of I said "I hope you rot in he'll"to my dad and made our way to my new home.
My first time writing dont hate and feel sympathy for me

sold to the gangleaderWhere stories live. Discover now