Stuck in Paris

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  • Dedicated to Nona Zidan

Created By: RaisingMe78

copyright ©2014 all right reserved

• Prologue•


The sun was bright, and the sky was clear. I smiled. What a great day to just sit on the couch and watch TV. I turned my head from my window and hid downstairs, I walked to the living room and threw myself on the couch resting my foot on the table in front of me, I grabbed the remote from the other side of the couch and Switched on the TV. Mom came in the room with basket full of laundry in her hands, she noticed me and then said "Sweetheart, I need you to drive to the grocery store to buy some stuff for dinner, oh and take your brother with you."

I groaned loudly then I said "but it's my ' sit on the couch and do nothing' day," my little brother who suddenly came out from the kitchen, raise his eyebrows then he asks "isn't that what you do every day?" I pointed my finger at him trying to defend myself, but then I thought about it "You got a point," I say. "Either you go to the store or you can enjoy eating dog food." mom threatened, giving me one of her -Don't-you-dare-to-say-no-to-me looks.

I sighed in defeat "fine" I stood up from the couch. Mom handed me the list of the things she want me to buy while reading and explaining the stuff she wrote, I completely ignored everything she said, I mean I'm sure my brother will take care of this stuff.

After my mom finished she gave me the money and the car keys, reminding my brother to not allow me buy any sweets, I rolled my eyes at what she said, yeah right, like I'll listen to him. As soon we stepped outside, the cold wind hit my skin sending shivers to my body "it's cold, right?" Asked my little brother. I gave him a small nod and walked towards the car, I opened the door and slide to the driver seat welcoming the car warmth. As my brother climbed in the car I started the engine and start driving.

When we arrived, my brother told me that his gonna pick the stuff I shrugged and told him ok. On my way to the Sweets section I grabbed a small bag full of marshmallows with me, Now I was looking for a bag of pretzels, I spotted one but it was far. groaning, I start to walk towards it until I reached it. Lucky for me it was the last one, I reached my hand to the bag and pulled it I turned my body ready to go still pulling the bag, I stopped when the bag didn't move, I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the bag in confusion, I tried to pull it again but it didn't move, I again tried to pull it but it didn't budge.Ok either this bag is glued to the shelf or... I looked behind the shelf and I was right, there was a guy -probably my age- pulling it from the other side.

He raised his right eyebrow at me, and I narrowed my eyes at him. it's like we're challenging each other. I tried to pull the bag again but it didn't budge, I lifted my gaze to the guy, he was still holding it, I glared at him and then said "I grabbed it first, so it's mine" I again tried to pull it but the guy was pulling from the other side, he scoffed at me then replied "I don't have time for this , so why don't you be a good little girl and give me the bag" I gave him my best glare. did he just call me a little girl?

"Don't call me a little girl , you moron!!" I struggled to take the bag from his hands, but he won't let go. We continued doing this for a while until he won. And the only reason he won because I really had to sneeze. Stupid nose. He smirked at me then raised the pretzels bag and turned around. If looks could kill then he will get smashed by a bus in the middle of the store and his body will be apart and the wolves will eat every peace of him and then threw up because he taste awful. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have problems. Wait, does wolves even throw up?, before I can continue my sickly-weirdly thoughts my little brother showed up and told me that he finished, I gave him the money and the marshmallow bag and told him that I'll wait him In the car.

In the ride to our way home I was grinning like an idiot until we arrived home, mom asked me why am I suddenly all happy I answered her with smug look on my face "I Just, made a new enemy today" I grinned at my mom. My mom blinked at me serval of times then she turned on her heel muttering something to the ceiling, something like "All I asked was one normal kid, just one normal kid!!"


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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