Heaven's Thunder (Revised)

182 24 65

Gadessa Space Station, Outer Earth Orbital Ring. October 2096.

[Orbit Control Room]

"Orbit Control, this is Observatory. We're detecting a large unknown space object heading towards Earth at a high speed. Showing its trajectory on the screen now."

A single tap and the holographic screen showed an estimated line of trajectory arrowing towards Earth; Alaskan region, to be exact, was its final presumed destination.

"Our boys down on Earth have notified by this, Observatory?"

"Affirmative, Orbit Control. They have granted the permission to use the satellite weapon. Transmitting data to the Weapon Control team."

"Roger that, Observatory. Orbit Control out." Another clicking taps on the keyboard before a beeping made the hand paused its job. "Yes, Weapon Control?"

"Confirmed data received. Target is an unknown object with an unregistered ID B2210A. Requesting final authority." The voice on the end of the line spoke.

"Usage of Gadessa Rail Gun is authorized under ID B2210A. Fire when ready," replied the man in his mid-thirties.

"Roger, confirmed control transfer to Weapon Control room. Weapon Control out."

The floating man lit another cigarette and puffed out a cloud of white smoke. He adjusted his spectacles and wandered his eyes beyond the blackness of space.

He then tapped another stroke on the holographic keyboard. Relaying messages and warnings of the sighting of the unknown object. Normally, the scanner would detect this type of object as asteroids or comets. But, somehow it did not.

The room suddenly gloomed into darkness with red lights flashing across the hallways. Sounds of warning sirens began to echoed throughout the massive space station.

A female voice spoke through the PA. "Attention, ladies and gentlemen. The Gadessa Space Station will performing its routine orbit clearing in just a few moments from now. Please return to your residence and wait for further instructions."

The man puffed out another smoke. He used to hear this announcement. A routine announcement. He put back his headphone over his ears and adjusted the mic.


[Weapon Control Room]

"Linear power at 200. Increasing output until 500."

"Trajectory aligned through Alpha Green and Charlie Green."

"Weapon's charging at 80 percent. Linear power at 400."

"Contactor released. Aiming muzzle at trajectory Alpha Green and Charlie Green.

"Weapon's charging at 100 percent. Linear power at 500. Gadessa Rail Gun ready to fire. Transferring control to command."


A bright blue light shone the room through the vacuum windows. The elongated muzzle recoiled back as the projectile launched itself towards the vast of emptiness, leaving trails of electrical sparks and statics on the rail of the muzzle.

"Confirmed projectile launch. 15 seconds to reach unknown object B2210A."

All of the Weapon Control staff locked their eyes on their computer screens; crossing fingers that all their calculations were correct and precise.

"10 seconds."

It would be a shame if a space engineer made a simple calculation mistake. Or worse, if it involved lives in the Gadessa or on Earth.

"Confirmed projectile hit. Unknown object B2210A is destroyed with debris splitting into half. Threat level reset to zero."

Red flashes were transitioned into warm white lights as the room returns to its normal operation level. Clicks and strokes of keyboard symphonied the room. All the staffs finally felt relieved for once after a heart stopping moment.

"I wonder why the scanner doesn't detect it as an asteroid?" one of the staff asked.

"Who knows? Anyway, I'm tired of this thing. Every time we wanna shoot this thing, we have to face all this calculations. Give me a break."

The boss of the room patted both of his subordinates' shoulders. "Well, that's what space engineers do, you numb nuts."

"S-sorry, boss." The first engineer scratched his head.

"Anyway, let's hope that the atmosphere will burn the remaining half of the unknown object." The boss looked at the debris that started to glow orange as they entered Yukon's airspace. "Honestly, I'm too old for this too . . ."


Quantum #ABA2018 #LNOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora