Having a friend that draws better.

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Ok guys, so I have a friend that draws too.. And she has been drawing long than me so she has more experience. And most times people compliment here art like all the freaking time and I am just here like ........ . Hardly no one compliments my art. My art so its kinda hard for me... My art looks like sh*t ( sorry for cussing ;-;) comparing to her's, I feel it kinda unfair.... So that's why I have social media! To lighten my day and get complements ( I get more on insta) I may not be as good ad her but, I have many people that enjoy my art! Also its really annoying in English because this girl EVERYDAY asks my friend to draw for her. And most times the teachers give my friend special projects for extra credit! It's so damn unfair I wish I can do that! That's also why I do calligraphy and photography so I can get better at the arts. I wish I went to another school, one that I was a top artist. Oh and did I mention? I have a 76 in art!!! I hate middle school! Also my friend that draws is like a show off, she even like goes through her sketchbook and try to show me and i am like " Hell nah" and look away. Honestly I can't wait til high school because she is going to a different one :)

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