My mind raced with fear. Should I run? Should I go with them and try to get away? Where would I even go? I cursed myself for not getting that cell phone when Charlie offered. I shook my head. These boys weren't that much older than me. They probably just wanted a girl to flirt with. I was overreacting as usual.

"I really should go. My friends are waiting for me," I stuttered.

"Ah, but we've been waiting for longer."

Alec pulled me into the open door of the warehouse. The floor was clear except for a small card table and a few lawn chairs. The sunset filtered through the dingy window panes making shapes on the concrete floor. The men filed around me and sat on the ground. The one named Donnie pointed me to sit in a lawn chair. He held out a beer for me to take. I shook my head.

"Well sugar, please be nice. Take our beer. Most girls would kill for a man to buy her a drink," Donnie said.

"I guess I'm not most girls," I stammered.

"Is that what you think? You think you're better than most girls?" he teased, a menacing smile stretched his features.

I widened my eyes at his tone. I didn't think I wanted to get this guy mad. What harm could a beer do? I took the cool can and popped the top. It fizzed over my hand, and I took a tentative sip. It was bitter and bubbly. Ugh...disgusting. I saw them all watching me drink, so I took another long swig and wiped my mouth off with my sleeve.

"I don't think beer is my thing."

"It's an acquired taste. Maybe you'd like something else," Alec coaxed. He handed me a small glass bottle with a brown liquid inside. I opened the cap and was assailed by a pungent and harsh scent. I wrinkled my nose.

"I don't think..." I started saying.

"Just try it, sugar," Donnie said.

I held it up to my lips and took a big gulp. It burned my mouth and was fire down my throat. I coughed while trying to swallow it. I didn't think they would appreciate it if I spit it out.

I handed the bottle back to Alec. "I think beer is more my style."

I took a long pull on the beer. My stomach started feeling warm. I set the beer down. Alec pulled out a cigarette out of his jacket. He opened it for me and I shook my head.

"Come on, Bella, you've already drank— might as well break all the rules, don't you think?" he said smiling.

I sighed and took one. They were long and white. I put it up to my lips. I used to sneak cigarettes with my friend, Julia, in Phoenix. We would sneak up the hill behind the equipment shed and share one of her mom's Parliaments.  Alec held the lighter up and I took a drag. The sweet smoke filled my mouth, and as I blew it out, I watched the smoke curl in the dusk light coming through the window. My fingers felt tingly from the nicotine and whiskey. I took another sip of the beer and watched as the boys began to pass around a joint. This party was becoming too much for me. I cleared my throat.

"So, thanks for the beer and the cigarette, but I really need to go now," I stated, trying to keep my voice level.

"We don't have to drink to have fun you know," Alec said. He pulled out a small knife from his pocket and began to clean under his nails. He watched my eyes become wide in trepidation. The mood had taken a definite change to a dangerous area. My survival instincts began to flare up, and I knew I needed to get out of there. I had my fun tempted fate. Somehow the mood had changed. Suddenly I was terrified of these men. My feet were frozen in place. They were too close for me to run and there was no one around to hear me screaming. I struggled to remember the movements to incapacitate someone. Knee to the groin, poke them in the eyes, and stomp on their foot. Maybe if it was only one man it would work, but this was five large college students. I didn't stand a chance. I tried to stand up and Donnie pushed me back down. He held on to my forearm, tightly cutting off circulation.

Runaway Girl {A Twilight Love Story}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu