So Reckless

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Warning, this chapter has some violence against women in it.

This glass house is burning down

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This glass house is burning down

You light the match, I'll stick around
I'll give you everything you want
And wish the worst of what I was

 You light the match, I'll stick around I'll give you everything you want And wish the worst of what I was

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...."We can be you friend tonight."

"I'd love to be your friend."

"I'd like to be more than friends with you..."

I picked up my pace and tried to turn down a street, only to find it was a parking lot. I turned around and walked in the opposite direction trying to lose the group. I tried to steady my beating heart. I knew that I had walked in Phoenix tons of times by myself before, and nothing had ever happened to me. Why should I be afraid of some boys in Port Angeles?  They looked so clean and nice.

"Hey, come back here, we just want to talk to you," another man called out, laughing with his friends. A six pack of Rainier was dangling from his left hand. I turned around to face them.

"I don't really want to talk," I murmured.

"Oh, don't be like that, sugar," the brown haired one said. "We just want to get to know you. Where are you from?"

"Forks, I live in Forks," I replied quietly.

"Forks, huh? Wait, are you Bella?" he asked.

"Yeah, I am. How did you know that?" I squinted at him, confused.

"My cousin was going on and on about this beautiful girl who just moved up from Phoenix. Long brown hair, big brown eyes and a body to kill for."

"Well I don't think he was talking about me, but my name is Bella."

"I'm Donnie," he said.

"Hi Donnie, I need to go," I replied.

"That's crazy talk, we were just getting to know each other." A man said, sneering. He sidled up to me and put his arm around my shoulder. I tried to shrug it off. He had dirty blonde hair and yellow teeth and his breath stunk of weed and cheap beer. He pulled me tighter to him. "I'm Alec, just so you know. Now let's just go in here and get acquainted. Shall we?"

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