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Gwendolyn's POV

Leslie comes exactly at the time she promised, at nine o'clock. I've been sitting here in front of my window for fifteen minutes, so I see her walking on the street. She looks at my window, then to the other side of the yard, and starts walking by the side of the house. She hasn't proceeded much before something - or in this case - someone stops her. She stops on her tracks and speaks to someone, gesturing with her hands and pointing upwards. They speak about twenty seconds before Leslie jogs towards my window.  I open it for her when she's close enough.

"Who was it?"

"Mr. Bernhard, fetching your daily milk," Leslie says. "I said that we had a scheduled meeting and that I didn't want to disturb anyone else in the house."

"Good, I wish not to go downstairs today," I say.

 Leslie leans to my bedpost, hugging my pillow to her chest. Apparently she has found it from somewhere in the floor. "What's the problem?"

I sigh. "You know the soiree I had to attend yesterday?"

"Of course. Did something magical happen?", Leslie asks, giving me a crooked smile.

"No, something that we hadn't planned at all happened," I say. "The count forced Gideon to elapse, without his will."

"Wow..." Leslie says. "The dark side of the count."

"Indeed", I say. "I have to explain all this to the Lodge today, and I don't know what they're going to do after that."

"So, why do you need me?" Leslie asks. This is probably the first time when her brain isn't working faster than mine.

"I need you to help me with what I'm going to do."

"Okay. But I can't help you if we don't know what the Lodge is going to do. So, when you come back from there, we can go through this again", she says.

"Exactly", I say.


"So what happened yesterday?" Falk DeVilliers asks. The Dragon hall is mysterious today. The curtains are closed and candles are the only source of light in the dim room.

I sigh. This is going to be a long story. "First we went to introduce ourselves to the count. He said that he had something to show to Gideon, and when I followed them, he said that 'women are not allowed there', but I continued following them and..."

"You acted against the count's orders?" Falk asks.

"Yes, but I think in this case it was good that I did."

Falk doesn't say anything, so I continue.

"So, I followed them, found them behind a door, arguing..."

"About what?".

Oh God, Falk is a bad listener.  "About something the count wants Gideon to do, but what Gideon doesn't want to do."

"Do you know what that could be?" Falk asks.

"How could I?"

Falk let's out a deep sigh. "Gwendolyn, I would be very thankful if you worked with us and gave every piece of information you know".

"But it's hard to give information that I don't have. This is honestly all I know."

Falk rubs his eyes. "I'm afraid that there's nothing we can do."

"What? What do you mean?" I ask. I didn't think the Lodge would give up so easily.

"You heard me. It's impossible to find him if he's lost in time. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack."

But they are giving up, like pathetic dust bunnies. I have no words.

Heyyy :3 A little bit of information for the next chapter; I'm on holiday at the moment, but I can't write from Wednesday to Saturday next week, so I'm sorry if the chapter comes late.

Anyways, don't forget to elapse daily,

See you!

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