The River

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It was warm summer's day and the road beside the river was quiet. The river itself was not, the greenish-brown water sloshing and splashing, and shouts of laughter rang out into the heavy air. The sunlight that filtered into the dirty water made it seem cleaner, like there wasn't rubble among the roots of water plants at the bottom. On the bank beside the road were two piles of clothes and two towels.

The rumbling of an automobile engine sounded. The low purr grew louder and louder as a police car came into view around the corner.

More splashing and yelling could be heard from the river, then the voices suddenly quieted. Claus and Jake, brothers, treaded water quietly. Hopefully, the police car wouldn't notice them.

The car slowed down and stopped right in front of where Jake and Claus were. An officer got out of the car, looking pompous and pristine in his green uniform.

Claus looked at his brother, who smirked. The two began to swim to the bank.

‘Hey, buddy!’ Jake called in English. ‘There a problem?’ He got out of the water, wearing nothing.

The officer coloured as Claus got out beside his twin. ‘You are not allowed to swim here,’ He stated, his English slow and his German accent thick.

‘Oh, sorry ’bout that,’ Claus replied casually. He leaned down and picked up two towels, one of which he wrapped around his waist, the other he threw to Jake. Jake caught it and began to towel off his hair.

‘We were just taking a quick dip,’ Jake explained. Claus handed him his shorts, and he slipped them on.

The officer looked thoroughly relieved that Jake was wearing something. ‘You are American?’ He asked.

‘Yeah,’ Jake drawled. ‘We're stationed in Bremen, actually, but we're here on a job.’ He put on his pants.

‘I see,’ The officer said. ‘A job with Britain?’

‘Yes.’ Claus tugged his shirt on. ‘Just something trivial, don't worry. We'll be out of here like that.’ He snapped his fingers and smiled charmingly.

Jake ran his fingers through his damp blond locks. ‘D'you have a comb I could borrow, by any chance?’ He asked the officer.

‘I do,’ The officer told him, patting his pockets in search of it. He located it and pulled the comb out of his pocket, stepping forward to hand it to Jake.

Jake took it and began combing his hair carefully, parting it at the side neatly. When he was finished, he handed it back to the officer with a grin. ‘Thanks, pal.’

The officer nodded politely. He walked back to his car, got in the side. Claus and Jake watched as he started the engine and drove down the road. Claus waited until the car had turned the corner to start snickering.

Jake caught his brother's eye, and he couldn't keep it in any longer. He burst out laughing as well, doubling over and clutching his sides.

‘I- I can't,’ Jake gasped in German. ‘He believed us!’

‘You asked him for a comb!’ Claus howled, slapping his brother's shoulder.

‘I should have asked for a cigarette,’ Jake said, wiping his eyes.

‘I bet he would have given it to you, too,’ Claus replied, starting to laugh again. ‘He'd be too afraid of getting in shit with the Brits.’

Jake turned back to the river. ‘You can come out now!’ He called.

Splashing sounds could be heard, and about four men swam into view from behind a dead-looking willow tree.

‘He gone?’ One of them called back.

‘Yeah,’ Claus started taking his clothes off again, and Jake followed suit.

‘That was brilliant!’ Someone else yelled, voice tinged with amusement.

‘It always works!’ Claus shrugged. ‘It's how we get cigarettes and coal, too.’

There was a splash as the brothers jumped back into the water.

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