The Hadassah Covenant

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Queen Sarah's POV

I woke up at dawn to the sound of prayers. I quickly walked onto my balcony peering over at my mother-in-law. She asked for strength to get through this day. I racked my brain in confusion. What was so special about today?

"Your presence is requested in King Benjamin's chambers, my queen." Hatach said hovering at the entrance.

I nod and follow him down the corridor to the oh so familiar bedroom. After he announces my presence an inquisitive look rests on my love's face.

"Sarah, what is it? You seem flustered this morning." He asked.

"It is nothing, I just overheard your mother praying in the garden." I said.

"I can imagine that today would be quite difficult since it's the anniversary of her becoming queen." He answered.

"That's today? How could I have forgotten? We really shouldn't let her spend it alone." I said thinking.

Benjamin's smile was warm and his eyes sparkled. If you looked close enough it was like staring into the face of Xerxes. He was definitely his twin.

"Send for Hegai and assemble the scribes quickly." He said to one of the eunuchs.

He was expeditiously arraigned as king and promptly left for court. I stood their in complete awe before hearing, "Come my queen, I still require your presence."

I followed obediently to my liter. When we approached the throne room, he reached for my hand before striding in. So far being queen wasn't so hard. I spent my days in the garden reading but that would soon change. For months Benjamin had planned to finish the war with Rome. They invaded our borders in the last year of Xerxes' reign.

"I wish to honor the memory of my father and celebrate my mother. Therefore I am requesting a banquet thrown in honor of Hadassah. All of Susa is invited. A gift is not required but advised." I tuned as Benjamin finished speaking.

I was so worried about this war I didn't hear a word he said prior. Perhaps in private we may discuss my conundrum. I noticed him staring at me expectantly. Oh dear I zoned out again.

"My queen, what troubles you? I have dismissed court and asked for your hand multiple times." He spoke.

"I am fine just concerned for Hadassah." I said in partial truth.

"As am I but I know you my dear. There's something you aren't telling me." He said raising an eyebrow.

Finally taking his hand I descend the stairs silently. His face however did not change. I walked out the room heading to my own chambers. I almost cleared the door when I heard him clear his throat. Turning to a face of masked confusion and stern rebuke, I lowered my head.

"You know even as queen that you're subject to protocol. I believe I have asked a question. Instead of an answer you walked away while in court. Granted no one saw the gesture but I am still king, you will address me as such. Are we clear?" He said chastising me.

"Yes my lord crystal clear." I said solemnly.

He entered my room and gestures for me to follow. Taking a seat upon my bed, he looks up expecting an answer. I sigh knowing I cannot refuse.

"Is it necessary to war with Rome? Cannot it be done peacefully?" I said watching the ground.

"The empire of my father is at stake and you want me to do nothing." He responds.

"Benjamin, please understand my plea. I know you want so desperately to uphold the war started by him but I can't bare to see such bloodshed. There has to be another way." I reasoned.

"My forefathers law will prevail and you my queen will bare whatever outcome it brings. You swore to stand beside me so take your place." He resolved exiting the room.

I sunk down to the floor sobbing. My husband had never spoken to me that way.

Later That Evening..........

King Benjamin POV

I entered the dining hall following the Immortals. Mother's banquet was underway. I didn't see my wife Sarah present though. I sent for her, all of us children should be here.

"The queen asks your forgiveness for being late, your majesty." Hegai said. Moments later she arrived completely somber. She kneeled before sitting at my right-hand.

"Thank you all for joining us. I propose a drink in honor of the greatest queen and mother in Persian history. Hadassah, we love you and wish you many more years of happiness and health." I said beaming.

"Long live Queen Mother Hadassah." The people chanted.

"Blessings to you all, I appreciate your love and generosity. To my 4 beautiful children and 2 grandchildren thank you so much, I am truly honored to have you by my side." She said sincerely.

Once she finished a rush of cool air hovered over the royal family. My father's presence was here. I saw mother wiping the tears from her eyes. Raquel and Isaac nods in recognition as well.

"My son, please don't be so hard on your wife. Believe me your mother didn't agree with the war on Greece before your birth. Sarah is afraid of losing you. Do really want to see her depressed? Now record this day in the Chronicles as the Hadassah Covenant. Therefore it will be a Persian law under which her legacy will live on. I love you my son, and so very proud." He said.

Just as quickly as he had come he was gone. I turned to my wife grabbing her hand. I kissed it before leaning to kiss her forehead. She smiled genuinely for the first time all evening.

"Please forgive me, my love." I whispered to her.

"I forgive you my darling king." She replied.

Into the earlier hours of the morning we feasted. I had a scribe etch this into the royal diary. The pride of my mother was evident and I aimed to keep her happy for the rest of her life.

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