The War: Persia Vs Greece

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Queen Sarah POV

Today my husband departs for Greece to avenge his father and grandfather. I, however disagree with the whole thing. He's currently in court and I have sent Hatach to ask him to summon me. If I retain his favor maybe this war can be postponed indefinitely.

"Your highness, the king has asked your forgiveness but he cannot summon you." Hatach said upon arrival.

"You did express the urgency of my request?" I inquired.

"Yes my lady, he was made aware." He answered.

This had become the normal between us. I hadn't spent time with him in months. If I asked to speak with him my request was denied. I was becoming frustrated with my husband.

"Thank you, that's all I require." I said dismissing him.

I waited for hours of any word that he had returned to his chambers. Isaac was passing by with his son Gabriel. He was almost 4 years old now. Eagerly awaiting his time with his uncle, the king. Benjamin's idea of training the young princes together was marvelous. Yet with the war soon to transpire, Isaac would take over their lessons.

"Aunt Sarah!" My nephew ran to me.

"My darling boy, I love you." I replied embracing him.

"Aunt Sarah, can I spend dinner with you? Please." He asked while pouting.

"Gabriel I would love that but what about grandmother? Weren't you suppose to spend dinner with her?" I reasoned.

"Oh I forgot but what if she joins us." He said.

"Of course that would be lovely." I acquiesce.

"C'mon son let's go find your mother and then tell grandmother the great news." Isaac said.

"See you later Aunt Sarah." He said following his father out the room.

It was peaceful for a few minutes before I heard,

"Michael stop running down the halls you could hurt yourself!"

I knew that voice anywhere. Only Benjamin would say something like that. Sure enough moments later he entered my bedroom.

"You wanted to see me dear?" He asked kissing my hand.

"Yes in court but no matter." I replied.

"Sarah if its about the war there is nothing to discuss. We leave for the outposts within the hour." He said exasperated.

"I am aware of that. I just wish my opinions mattered now like they did before you were king." I said retreating to my balcony.

Sighing heavily he replied, "Your opinion does matter but this time I have to override them. I hope you understand and in time forgive me."

I turned to see him exit quickly. The spitting image of his father before him. I looked out over my empire and sighed. Our marriage was being tested and every day I prayed it would get better.

Later that evening...............

I had just finished dining with my mother-in-law and nephew. Gabriel had left the room soon after.

"Sarah, what is the matter?" Hadassah asked.

"I just feel like I'm losing my husband." I said.

"Oh sweetheart I know that feeling. Believe me Xerxes and I fought months before Benjamin was born." She said.

"Really? You always seemed so in love." I said shocked. I never knew that they literally had words for a long period of time.

"It was right after Haman was named a prince. Memucan came to me because it was discussed that all Jews be annihilated for their possessions. I sought him in the library. He was annoyed at first until he realized it was me. I told him how I felt and he got angry especially when I mentioned Vashti. Basically said our marriage was over. I was hurt but we got through it." She stated.

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