the dream

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A/N this is a book movie combo so they are both 13 or 14 and blonde but I had to add in movie time from the movie so the kids could know about his movie and this is my first fanfic also yaoi fluff

An hour before the reset (horace pov):
   Just like I did almost everyday like clockwork all the kids gathered on the couch and I sat behind them projecting my dream. As always it began with a part about my love of fashion. Then moved to something about the loop and our small family. But there was something not right I couldn't think about what. But then I saw it. There I was with enoch alone in my room. Please let this another prediction. But then I noticed us moving closer. I frozen for a moment. Where we about to kiss! I had to act quick before any other kids noticed. Where is enoch oh no. A sigh of relief came over him just for a second. Good enoch didn't notice. I stop projecting my dream and took off in a hurry. What would they think of me. Would they think of me differently? I can't take any chances. Horace stomed off to his room in a panic sobbing. 
(A/N 3rd person pov also this was gonna be a new chapter but nah)
miss peregrine took off after the child knowing  exactly what was going on. Before leaving she made sure no curious minds followed her urging them to stay put. She reached the young blonde's room to find him crying into his lucky pillow. She lightly placed a hand onto the crying child's back trying to calm him down. She spoke calmly. " Horace I know that you are upset about what the others might think. But honestly  I doubt that the othet kids would care that you are different. Now if he likes you in the same way  is a completely different story. But we all love one another very much. Now we all don't love each other like fiona and hugh. But that doesn't mean we all don't care about each other." Horace now sitting up brushing the tears off his face while miss peregrine continues. " I think it would be best for enoch to talk to you about all of this don't you. Horace slowly shakes his head no. " why not?" miss peregrine asks the small boy. "are you still afraid?" Horace nods. " Don't be" miss peregrine explains. A small whisper escapes horace's lips " alright" he says under his breath. " I'll be back in a moment" miss peregrine mentions before leaving to get enoch. After a few minutes passed enoch entered the room. " the bird sent me " enoch said quickly with a bitter tone. " oh" horace said lifting his head. " the bird is making me calm you down after your episode" enoch said rolling his eyes sitting down on the edge if his bed. "What the hell was that dream about anyways that made you freak out?" Enoch asked now becoming curious. Horace shot a quick "nothing" out of his mouth while turning a deep red. then confused as to why he is here enoch shouts "then why the hell did she send me!" Enoch stands up to stom out now pissed off. " wait!" Horace shouts trying to get him to stay. "I'll tell you" he says in a small voice. "Okay..." enoch says sitting down back on the bed. Horace takes a deep breath and begins. "In the dream we where sitting alone just like this and then out of nowhere we we..." horace closed his eyes and planted a kiss on enoch's lips. The other boy was a bit shocked but then kissed back. Horace pulled away happy he didn't have to hide anymore. He loved enoch and his feedings where returne.

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