"Damn, Jonathan, you're disgusting!"

"I'm just kidding, dumbass." He laughed.

"I'm a lady! You don't say such things around a lady."

"Such a drama queen!" He rolled his eyes.

"Coming in!" It was AJ's voice, opening the door, with the boys right after her.

I stood up to hug each of them.

"Fuck, I'm so tired." Sheamus sat down.

"Me too." I chuckled, sitting on his lap.

"We still have a few hours before going to work, so I guess..." Punk laid on the bed, kicking his sneakers off. "We could take a nap."

"I'm in." Randy shrugged. "We got two beds now."

I simply chuckled, standing up. We put the beds together, and after everything was ready, we laid down. It was still very tight, but more comfortable than last night. This time, AJ was by my side, Punk on the other, and beside AJ, Jon and Randy, arguing about how close they were. Sheamus beside Punk did the same.

"Stop complaining!" Punk said loudly, closing his eyes. I didn't know why, but I still felt a bit shy around him, still I snuggled closer to him. AJ turned her back to me, kinda getting closer as well. I liked the smell of her hair, but it was kind of annoying when it got all over my face. I chuckled, moving it away. Then, I guess, we fell asleep. I mean, at least I did.

When I woke up, some time later, they were still sleeping. I, quietly, sneaked away from the bed, grabbing my phone as I rubbed my eyes, and unlocked it to see what time was it and if there was any texts. Shit! We were late!

"Wake up!" I yelled. "We're late! Wake up, wake up!"

All of them jumped awake, staring at me, but a few minutes later, we were all arguing to see who would go to the bathroom first. Me and AJ, as ladies, got ready first, then it was Sheamus, Punk, Jon and then Randy. We left the hotel together and I was unsure if I should go with them to this 'meet and great', but I did anyways. While they were with the fans, I just watched, with a smile on my face. They were nice, talked, took pics... It always made me happy too see them, even if it was just videos from people that did meet them. I was so distracted, that I didn't even realize someone was by my side.

"It's cool, isn't it?" The person asked, so I just glanced at them quickly, realizing it was Dolph Ziggler.

"Yeah." I replied, looking back at the guys.

"So, you're Kate, right?"

"Yep, and you go by Dolph or...?"

"Nick, please. It's nice finally talking to you when you're away from your bodyguards."

"They're not my bodyguards, they're my friends."

"Fine, your friends. Anyways, I was just wondering... We could go out someday? Dinner? Maybe tonight..."

"I'm not really sure if Hunter would let me. Besides, I'm kind of busy tonight. We can have lunch next week, if you want to." I shrugged. Even tho I told Hunter and the guys I'd be away from him, I didn't want to be rude, and I was curious to know what he wanted with me.

"Great, next week." He smiled. "See you around, then." He nodded and left.

I shrugged, looking back at the fans and the guys. Not so long after, and they were already closing the doors, and the guys walked towards me, so we drove back to the hotel and ordered some popcorn to watch a movie. We were all fine, but Randy looked a bit uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Uh, I... I was just wondering what Dolph wanted with you." He shrugged.

"Ask me out." I laughed softly.

"Really?" Punk raised his eyebrows.

"And what did you say?" Shea asked, carefully.

"I said we could have lunch next week." I shrugged.

"What?!" They all asked together.

"C'mon, it's nothing! I just want to know what he's gonna do. I'm not replacing anyone, and besides, I have a boyfriend."

"And a wife and four husbands!" AJ completed.

"I know! I know. If you guys want to, y'all can tag along." I shrugged.

"No, we... We trust you." Jon nodded.

"Okay..." I nodded. "But there's actually something I'd like to talk about..." I bit my bottom lip, so they looked at me with concern.

"What's up?" Shea asked.

"I... Well, earlier today, Hunter said he loves me, and I smiled, nodded and walked away. Do you think I did wrong?"

"Do you love him?" Randy asked.


"Then you shouldn't lie. He needs, and he will, understand that things are not exactly like that." Punk said.

"Besides, it's too soon. He's your father, he loves you and that's natural. But he can't expect you to love him immediately." AJ shrugged.

"Yeah, you're right. I just..." I sighed. "I don't know how things will be this weekend and I feel that it's a bit of pressure, y'know."

"It's okay, Katie, we're here for you, so it's okay." Shea gave me a warm smile.

"Okay, thanks guys." I smiled. I actually loved them, I mean, it was just this fangirl kind of love but in these days... Well, yeah. I'm wrapped into their fingers, I guess.

I laid down on Randy's lap, he played with my hair, while AJ laid her head on my belly. She really felt like a best friend, like a real one. It was so new to me. I mean, never in my whole life I had a girl best friend. It's been Frank, and then the team. It was good to know that now I had a girl to talk about.. Girly stuff. I mean, our kind of girly.

As soon as the movie ended, we started discussing it, while trying to choose the next, but then someone knocked on the door and Shea stood up to open it.


Feelings that Jon and the guys don't like Aaron... Anyone? Aaaand Dolphie! What does he want with Katie? I'm pretty sure the boys didn't like that at all. But what about you guys? Like this chapter or nah? If yes, vote! If no... Well, comment and tell me why :D

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