Shut up and Flashdrive

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Sonic IRL 2

Shut Up and Flashdrive

By: Cutegirlmayra(So, I wasn't creative with the title XD OH WELL, lol. I finally found some time from my busy life of college to write another one-shot short story :D A friend convinced me to make many more short-stories based on the laws of this certain premise where the Sonic co. lives in SEGA and can only be seen within their walls and by fellow employees. Also, there are some more rules I'll probably explain or just hint at in the other stories, but this one is cute and so I'm writing it XD enjoy!)

"WHHHHHAHAHAHHHAAA!" Amy, or Emi as they call her in Japan, ran through the halls of Sega of Japan, crying her eyes out as she made her way into the 'foreign affairs' district of the building.

"Wo-woah!" A man carrying boxes was slammed against the wall as she bulldozed through, causing some documents to fly everywhere from the open boxes. "Wha...wha.. phew." He was confused, but just glad he wasn't run over. "Hey! Sempai!" He cried out to a man with a clipboard and pencil that was held up by his ear on his head.

The man walked over to him, clearly his superior or manager of the floor. "Yes? What is it?"

"What's wrong with Emi-chan? Did Sonic hurt her feelings or something?" The confused mail delivery boy asked, seeming to be an intern or something.

"No, no... it's not that." The man sighed, rolling his eyes, and slightly smiling.

"What is it then? I've never seen her so distraught." The boy walked with the man, stumbling and looking down and around the boxes to watch his footing.

"Well, it's technically not Sonic's fault, anyway." The man began, laughing and moving into a room full of people on computers. "It's just that Sonic had to be transferred to the American district for code-copying to then create the new Sonic Boom. After all, each of the foreign nations has to have a Sonic, and each has to be created off of the data from the original, which is our very own Sonic the Hedgehog." The man explained, and took his pencil out, looking over another employee's shoulder to check and then sketch down some numbers. He patted the man on the computer's shoulder and then moved on.

"W-wait... so... she's upset cause he's..." the man gulped, looking behind him and then whispering to the man. "Gone?"

"Precisely." The man turned around to him. "I know you're kinda new here. Only been working what... 4... 3 months?"

"2 sir." The man straightened up. "After signing the contract of secrecy and then seeing the characters appear and start walking about for the first time, it was quite a shock. I didn't realize they also can feel and be affected by their environment as well." He fumbled with the boxes, lifting a leg up to try and push the boxes more up so he could get a better grip on them.

"Only 2 months? And you can see them? That's quite an accomplishment. Most people don't believe in the characters and don't see them till a strange almost 'supernatural' thing occurs within our building. Then they believe, but for you to see them so early..." the man looked quite impressed.

"Well sir, I've been a fan of Sega games for a while, I even... hehe, I saw the monkey just last week sir." His smile was grand, looking like he just met a movie star.

"Yes, he gets that department into a lot of trouble..." the man mused, and chuckled deeply. "I guess you can also see other fictional characters walking around now too?"

"Oh yes! Just the other day I saw Star Fox flying his ship outside. And the week before that I saw a final fantasy character! Cloud was it? I'm not sure. How can that be?" He inquired.

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