Story of the Rose Petals in the Wind begins

Start from the beginning

"Sure, I mean, you bought me ice cream after all!" Amy happily chimed, jumping on a bench, swinging around a lamp post, and then skipping back down to Tail's side again.

"Gee, Amy. You sure are cheery. What's your secret?" Tails inquired.

"What do you mean..? I'm always positively happy." Amy said, looking back to Tails in confusion.

"Well... I mean.. don't take this wrong or anything... but even when Sonic's gone off somewhere.. Your always so disappointed... but you never look really depressed for long." Tails explained, putting his list down and looking at Amy for her response.

Amy's quick steps slowly lingered into a steady walk, "....." she then halted, her eyes covered in shadows, making Tails walk by her and slowly turned around,


How could she tell him..? How much her heart really did ache, whenever Sonic wasn't by her side, whenever he wasn't in her sight, whenever she couldn't hear his laughter or cocky words, or see his amazing and daring fleets to save the world? There is no way to explain it, to express it even. And she knew she couldn't really express how much she loved Sonic, because she had no fathom of how she could ever even go about doing it. How can you show someone the real measure of how much you loved them? Or how could anyone even measure the love someone had for another?

Amy took a deep breath, and looked up to Tails with a closed-eyed smile, "I simply dream." she stated, "and my dreams carry me to wherever Sonic may be." she looked off into the sky, seeing the clouds moving slowly, and the birds in there arrow like formation flying over them.

Tails looked at her dumbfounded, almost not able to even speak back to her. He looked down and then back at his list. "....Amy... what if I told you... I could help you stop dreaming..?"

Amy looked at him with surprised curiosity, "Stop dreaming? What do you mean Tails?"

Tails looked up at her, then with confliction, looked away. "I've known Sonic a lot longer than you... I might be able to... in a since at least,.. Help you express your love for him in a different... more controlled way. That way, Sonic would spend time with you..." he then muttered a fainted whisper behind his shoulder, "and not be so scared to death of you.."

"Tails... you would do that? Teach me how to flirt?" she was serious and heart felt on the first line, but on the second she broke into a humorous giggle, holding her hand up in a fist to hide her smile at his suggestion.

"W-Well-!" Tails became flustered. He turned red and starting failing his arms around, "I mean..! It wouldn't hurt right?" (/-/)

Amy looked at him earnestly, and then lowered her fist a little, looking at him with sincerity in her eyes, almost to the point of sorrow. "Tails... would it really help.. Sonic to spend time with me..? Or even like me..?"

Tails looked back up, pouting, but then noticed her expression and kinda lost his embarrassment. "Amy... Sonic wouldn't call you his friend if he didn't like you. He shows you affection... just not the way you tend to want it..." he tried to again, explain. "Let's start by working on your confidence. It's good to be confident, but not so much to where you make it sound like Sonic's got no choice in it. And maybe a bit on self control, you can't just run up and hug people to death, Amy. It's not very lady like.. Oh! And then there's that anger of yours, no piko-piko smashing. And another thing-" Tails walked off with Amy by his side, explaining this and that about what she should do. All the while, Amy took mental notes, listening intently to each word Tails spoke to her about.

'I will get better....I will make Sonic fall helplessly in love with me! And then,... I'll never be alone again... and Sonic will never want to leave my side again! Never!'

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